NH Independence Drive media coverage

I sent James Bickerton (NEWSWEEK) a link to the Caroline McCaughey (New York Sun)
article above. Within an hour he replied with the following:

"Thanks David - I should have a piece coming out in the next few weeks about Texas nationalism which mentions the NH movement! "

I think this man deserves thanks from all of us interested in NH secession.

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Article 5 conventions (several NH house resolutions) discussed
in committee.

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If you get us mentioned in Newsweek that will be impressive work Leif…post the link if you see it!


RidleyReport2 - Getting a mention in Newsweek might
not be as impressive as it sounds. Anyone here who
desires to can use the same strategy as I did to make
the connection.

I saw an article about Texit.
I realized that NHexit had intergroup communications,
activists, and events that had established a connection
between the two groups.
I found a contact email for the writer of the article.
I sent the writer an outline of the connections, simply.
The writer found the connections between the original
article he had written and the stuff I had sent him.
He expressed an interest.
I responded with links to information about those
He accepted that there was a valid connection between
the two groups.
He then did his own research to combine information
that linked the two, connections that we knew about,
but he had not previously.

I did something similar this morning.
James had written about an uproar in Kentucky over
incest laws.
I remembered that Ohio had recently eliminated their
incest law, making incest legal in Ohio, or at least not
I sent him a link to that effect this morning.

Whether or not he will find that interesting I do not know.
But I inserted the link for forum.shiresociety.com into
into the email because in the thread “What can be done to
make NH the most libertarian state” incest laws across
the country had been addressed there.

It is a simple process.

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This article includes other states, as well as New Hampshire

I hope many of you will express your appreciation to him.

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All over the country, people are relocating in search of better living conditions, greater economic opportunity, and more freedom.

One hour video:


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Carla from the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence is quoted in this Newsweek cover story:

"On January 3, Representative Jason Gerhard, a Republican in the New Hampshire legislature, introduced a bill stating that should the federal debt ever reach $40 trillion, around $6 trillion more than at present, the state “shall declare independence and proceed as a sovereign nation.”

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“Perhaps secession should apply to the bill supporters – secede from the Legislature.”
Now that’s a thought. In 1775 didn’t wait for their representatives to the first continental
congress to decide what to do. Every county in Massachusetts (except Boston) issued their own declaration of independence from England, and had Paul Revere carry those declarations
to the congress.
“We the people” had already declared independence before the supposed representatives
ever got around to it. Maybe we should do the same.


New Hampshire is just listed with other states talking about secession in this article.

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I can’t find this article posted previously, don’t know how I missed
it. This article was posted on the Texas Nationalist Movement
page, but talks only about NH secession in this year’s legislature.

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CACR20 2024 vote

Did Jason Gerhard actually present himself as the leader of the
New Hampshire independence movement? This article says that
the name has not been disclosed, but then prints a copy of a letter
with a signature at the bottom. Something looks fishy here.


Questions - Is that stationary legitimate? That is, does it look like actual stationary of a representative?
Why did Jason use his personal email if this was official business, instead of his official email (Jason.Gerhard@leg.state.nh.us )? The contact added to the release on the second link above is @JasonGerhardNH. The letter as it looks has no contact info.
If on genuine stationary, is this letter meant to be on behalf of the entire legislature? If so, why have so many attempts on the part of NH citizens to introduce secession-related legislation been foiled?

Texas had attempts to get a vote on secession blocked at the official party level.
NH had attempts to get a vote on secession blocked at the official legislative level.

Texas politicians are now mentioning secession, and Texit is gaining followers.
NH politicians (or at least one) is now mentioning secession on official stationary, and signed by an official member of the NH legislature

Something isn’t right here.

Newsweek article on NH secession:

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I think we’ve made the big time now… two Newsweek articles in just a couple of
weeks, and now these; and, we are beginning to be linked with Texas almost

California joins the pack with two different secession movements in this article.
The article also mentions the Texas and New Hampshire movements in significant ways.


House vote on CACR20 341 to 24

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Looks like our level of publicity from this year’s House vote is even higher than what we got from the vote in 2022. Here’s what I have that isn’t listed above:




(A few of these are stragglers from some months back)

The following all appear to be clones of the USNews.com article but it gives you a sense of how far the thing spread:
Break away from the USA? New Hampshire once again says nay

And last but close to loudest: :


I find the headlines:
“Don’t worry citizens … NH will not secede this year”
very funny

Looks like the articles seize on CACR20 more than HB1130 for whatever reason.
I think a short video of Matt S.'s words before vote would be good … maybe just one minute.