NH Independence Drive media coverage

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This article mentions NH near the bottom, but includes percentages of voters who would support independence for their state for a half dozen or so states.
It looks like Alaska is ahead of the pack on this - The Alaskan Independence Party gubernatorial candidate won the election in 1990.

New Hampshire appears to out of the running for first state to secede. Just check out this map.

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MSN - mentions the NHexit legislation

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Monday March 18th NHexit update after the NH Liberty Forum



Both articles seem to mention New Hampshire’s legislation but in the second article something complicated is going on with the search-ability.

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i think i missed this one:

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Thanks RK! Meanwhile we get a mention here…

Episode 13 is an update … and secession talk starts at 14:30

He said: “What we do is we work and communicate with independence movements. I mentioned several: Calexit, New Hampshire exit, the people in Florida which is going to be called Flexit I bet, Free Louisiana people, the Alaskan Independence Party.”

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NHexit outreach booth in Keene

Missed this one which mentions our legislation:

I’m thinking we should also miss the opportunity to join the Rodina lol.

Also we’re in Texas Secessionists Working With Five Other States, Leader Says - Newsweek

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Looks like all these mention the NHexit drive:


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Wow looks like Yvonne Bailey (sp?) is really earning her pay:

YB FTW lol



https://bluestatebluesnews.com/latest/ (you’ll have to scroll down)


That’s NHexit on Dr. Phil above. It’s triggering peripheral publicity.


Meanwhile this thread lists all my talk radio calls about it that got on the air since 2022… maybe 70 calls or so.

Calling talk radio

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