Calling talk radio

Here’s a partial list of my NH liberty talk radio calls over the last couple months. Low internet bandwidth has kept me from keeping records as well as usual or posting them to telegram reliably.

5:39p CALL FINISHED AT THAT TIME 6/3 got on air WMNH Manchester to talk about Ukraine, Lech Walenza’s NH visit and NH independence.
Matt Connarton Unleashed 6-3-22 about 2/3 throu=h the show

call finisehed at 814pm Free talk live got on air 6/3 to talk about lily tang williams and matt santonastaso . also called lauren canario to ask about putting up a sign for lilly.
about halfway thru the show
Show Archives | Free Talk Live 6/3 …the show, not the “diGest”

6/24: got on air WKBK radio Keene and WCRN radio in Mass… to talk about Porcfest and invite people to ForkFest. Got on air WCAP Lowell, Mass… to talk about NH gun freedom going along with its low crime rate…and how lack of gun freedom in Ukraine helped get them invaded, pointed out that they had 7 guns per 100 civilians in early 2022… while we had about 120 per 100. (The Ukrainian govt. did wisely remove these restrictions within days of the invasion).

Got on air approx 305p June 30 WTIC radio in CT… invited people to visit and vote against a new state tax with their feet .

Got on approx 425p June 30 WMNH radio manch to talk about new fed tax on radio stations and NH independence as the solution.

6/30 got on air about 1045p to say “no aggression, no grievance!” and try to make the point that just being an “illegal immigrant” does not make you a bad guy.

called howie carr chump line and mentioned NHexit.US 7/8/2022

7/9/2022 got on air free talk live about 720pm to talk about Texit alleging voter fraud against its candidates.

7/10 got on air about 740a wkbk radio to talk about The Resolve initiative in new hampshire

7/11 got on air approx 620 to talk about the scientificNH independence poll in progress

7/11 got on air FREE TALK live approx 725p to talk about lily tang williams skydive … poeple jumped out of a plane with lily signs. she’s a free stater or associated with free staters closely…running for congress. , ftl crew mentioned matt santonaso, one of the reps who organized this.

got on air free talk live 7/14/2022 approx 715p to talk about pro-exit rep mark warden’s request to help pro-exit state rep Mike Sylvia in primary.


Got on air WKBK approx 615a around 7/15/2022 to complain about that fact that Keene Sentinel article on 2nd Congressional district race refused to mention lily tang williams… i mentioned that she is bascially the Ron Paul republican in the race.

got on air WMNH radio manch 7/18 5:20p to talk about gun freedom in schools , in response to a school security incident they were already talking about

got on air Free Talk Live 7:50p approx , around 7/20 i think, to talk about lily tang williams media underreporting in Keene, or rather at least in the Sentinel

July 22 fri 740a got on air WCRN radio worchester mass… to update listeners on NHexit status, the poll on whether nh should leave the union , and the creation of the NH independence PAC, mentioned NHexit.US

got on air approx 845p July 25 free talk live to talk about (free stater?) michael yakubovic (sp)? getting 4 bills passed in one year.

got on air WKBK radio keene 8/2 approx 620am to talk about concord monitor article reporting that number of NH police has gone up twice as fast as the population over last 20 years.

got on air 8/4 WCAP lowell Mass to talk about the free staters who temporarily cut the croyden school budget 50 percent and wound up in the new york times, with of course the usual invite to move here!

got on air 8/4 WCRN Worchester Mass to talk about immigration and the libertarian solution of opening the border and closing the welfare offices… if something’s wrong something’s banned, there’s no problem on the open border betwen Mass and NH, etc.

some of these places have archives but I don’t have enough internet to find them… uploading archives of my calls might be helpful if any of you, especially those out of state, have time to do it!

got on air 620a approx…sometime in august WCRN radio worchester to talk about the free state project and Croyden NH initially voting to cut the school budget by half.

got on air approx 730a WKBK radio keene sometime around august 1 i think, to talk about being kicked out of a trump rally and how ron paul republicans are not liked by the GOP establishment.

Got on air approx 620a aug 11 WKBK to update on Rich Paul’s situation in the Crypto 6 case. Forgot to mention that the Feds , who run torture chambers, are upset because they think he fudged his bank account application.

625a August 2022 i forget the day…got on air WKBK to talk about Crypto 6 and the Federal attempt to prevent jury nullification

535p August 2022 got on air WMNH manch to talk about the NHexit-friendly reps surviving an attempt to ban them from the ballot

754p approx 8/23 got on air Free Talk Live to talk about free stater legislator Keith Ammon in bad car accident

got on air WMNH manch 8/22 about 430p to talk about NHexit demonstration and the attempt to take pro independence reps off the ballot

8/26 450p got on air WMNH to talk more about NH independence… you gotta hear this one as one of the hosts goes on a rant against me , won’t let me talk, then winds up mostly on our side at the end of the coversation?? Did I really just pull that off? Archive:

I think the NHexit “conversation” would be about 45 minutes into the file.

8/26 8p approx got on air Free Talk Live to talk about NH liberty legislator Mike Sylvia under fire from establishment

Got on air 9/2 approx 12:15 am. jim bohanan show to talk about NH independence legislation… Bohanan said it was settled in the civil war and cut me off about 20 seconds after the call started.

got on air Free talk live 9/17 approx 730p to talk about alleged death threats against Carla Gericke

got on air approx 5p very approx… around 10/4/2022 WMNH manch … to talk about attempt at stopping me from recording congressional candidate

also got on the Jim Bo. show again mainly to talk about free state project successes… he was friendly this time although he did bring up the independence drive again and criticized it. i forget when this was exactly, mid sept. probably.

got on air 9/10 approx 705p to discuss NHexit friendly rep Paul Terry’s statement and the attacks against him.
got on air 9/9 905p approx to talk about terese grinnell’s concerns that too many “liberty activists” in new hampshire are too close to the governor

Got on air WTIC in CT approx 1:55p to invite movers for the Free State Project as a response to all the crime and homelessness they were talking about around CT.

got on air Free talk live, call details forgotten: partial archive should include the call around 2/3rds of the way thru:

9/9 1210am approx got on air jim bohanan show to explain the free state project, which he had never heard of… he congratulated us on our , or at least new hampshire’d, occaional cuts in the overall state budget…

got on air Free Talk Live 9/6 to talk about t to talk about report that Republicans out number democrats by 5 to 1 … among the 10,000 most recent movers to NH

(date forgotten:) got on air WBAP radio dallas-fort worth rick roberts show to mention NH drive for independence and texit as a response to Chancellor Suttler-Biden’s fighting words speech.

got on air 9/7 WMNH mancester approx 530p , probably a little over 2/3rds of the way thru the show, to talk about report that Republicans out number democrats by 5 to 1 … among the 10,000 most recent movers to NH
Matt Connarton Unleashed 9-7-22

got on air Free Talk Live approx 720p 9/7 to talk about manchester schools and carla gericke’s report that 90 percent of manch govt school 3rd graders can’t read at a 3rd grade level
got on air WBZ boston to talk about NH independence approx 940p 9/7/2022

got on air WMNH manch approx 10/3/2022 i think… and I think it was an invitation to the NHexit legislative summit at Weare
Got on air free talk live 10/11/2022 to talk about the idea of NH setting up its own UN ambassador

Got on air free talk live 10/12/2022 to talk about 10/21 Federal Reserve visit to NH

got on air WKBK Keene around 620am 10/13 to talk about the west overplaying its hand in Ukraine now that ukraine has basically won, kicking the russians on their way down and thus triggering a possible nuclear war.

10/17/2022 got on air wkbk keene to talk about LPNH karlyn borshenko crashing the Tulsi Gabbard event.

11/23 approx 1240p or 240p i forget which. Got on air Grace Curley show boston WRKO to talk about thanksgiving dinner politics and mentioned free staters moving to nh for more freedom.

Called in Howie Carr chump line to mention that all the pro-NHexit incumbents were re-eletcted. Don’t know if it aired.

Got on air 10/29/2022 near start of show to talk about the nukewar danger, the general lack of anti-nuke protests, and the one I’m working on. “The way you can tell authoritarians are crazy is that they’re scared of Covid but not nuclear war.”

11/28 Got on air WMNH manch approx 530p 11/28 to talk about right to record in new hampshire, pressNHnow and NH independence reps who made it to the general election all getting re-elected

12/2/2022 Got on air approx 410p WMNH manch to give update about the Crypto 6 case and invite folks to the trial and December 12 (?) demonstration outside.
Matt Connarton Unleashed 12-2-22

got on air: Jan 7 5 minutes into their show … to talk about anti-nuclear sign wave I went to.

Got on air approx Jan 4 to talk about an NH bill by some Demothauritarian requiring bureaucratss receive an extra 15 dollars an hour for helping someone fulfill a right to know request.

Approx December 15 called Free Talk Live got on air to talk about this: “Newly unsealed federal indictment accuses Merrimack man of involvement in Russian smuggling ring. Documents say Alexey Brayman allegedly shipped items to Russia that are used to build weapons. via @TimCalWMUR

Got on air Free talk live sometime in I think late December approx 5 minutes into the show to update on nuclear weapons treaty anniversary (Jan 22), update on my last sign wave against nukes at military base and request demosntrations against nuclear weapons to coincide with the treaty .

Jan 13 Got on air Free talk live approx 1/3rd of the way into show to discuss this and praise NH Liberty Alliance for taking this subtle position. “Oppose HB102 requiring high schools to include instruction on the nature and history of communism. Education Wed 1/11 10:40 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires school boards and governing boards of private schools to include at least one hour of instruction on the nature and history of communism for high school graduation.”

Got on air Jan 19 WMNH Manchester radio to talk about deplatforming and Manchester’s alternative to YouTube. . I think the call would have been about 20 minutes into the show.
Matt Connarton Unleashed 1-19-23 | WMNH 95.3FM Community Programs

Got on air Jan 20 WCRN radio in Mass to talk about these bills following up last year’s nh independence legislation:
Supported 2023 Legislation – New Hampshire Independence PAC
HCR 3 – Relative to Affirming States Power over the Constitution
HCR 6 – Relative to Condeming the use of violence against supporters of self governance
HB229 – Relative to requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard.

forgot to report this one from my log: got on air WKBK Keene 12/9 to announce the crypto 6 protest 12/12 at concord, dan asked me how do we want to make the court systetm better without chaos and i suggested a sunset law on all fed laws. I was also given enought time for once to point out that the Judge is the employee of the prosecutor , that recording is usually banned in these procedings and that Ian will not be able to
speak freely in his defense, nor will his lawyer, neither of which presumably will be allowed to even mention the jury’s right to vote “not guilty”

more of my raw notes. This list below needs to be updated with links to the audio files in some cases…

got on air WKBK 3/18 march eighteenth approx 920am to talk about taiwan gun control increaing nuclear war risk and nh gun freedom an my article on this in

got on air 3/24 to talk about the house bill in new hampshire eliminating the drug war. guest host spent some time praising porcfest and free state project, he also mentioned the nbc boston documentary and nh indpenedence drive . cant remember which station this call went to

got on air FTL 710p april 19 to talk about an apparent nullification bill related to immigration checkpoints

got on air 5/11/2023 to talk about nhexit, nh national self defense options vs. the costa rica zero military approach, and nhexit air banner.

got on air 5/15 free talk live approx 910p to talk about taiwan invasion related solutions: ending their gun control and / or evacuating before hand the folks who want to leave the island, giving taiwanese u.s. citizenship instaed of trying to defend the dangerously forward positioin.

May 20 got on air free talk live to talk about Robert Kennedy Jr. President’ Kennedy’s nephew getting involved with free state project as a speaker

5/24 got on air WMNH manch to talk about NHexit air banner and new poll _____

6/5 approx got on air WMNH manch to talk about porcfesst and RFK speaking there controversy, approx 410pm

6/6 got on air free talk live to talk about a grafton liberty activist who died! Sharon Clark.
got on air WMNH manch 6/14 to talk about nato military exercise and nuclear threat likely associated
got on air free talk live same day tot alk about same thing.

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got on air WMNH manch 6/21 to talk about and invite folks , plus discussed RFK speech there, porcfest drag queen story hour drama and the teachable moment it causes: When you recognize that “no aggression = no grievance” then you stop getting pissed about people reading a book in the wrong clothes.
Matt Connarton Unleashed 6-21-23 | WMNH 95.3FM Community Programs

got on air WMNH manch 6/22 with clarification regarding the non aggression principle and how it could be interpereted to condemn drag queens doing a story hour at taxpayer expens.
Matt Connarton Unleashed 6-22-23 | WMNH 95.3FM Community Programs

got on air WKBK keene 6/24 approx 845a to aask a guest representing an organization… if they receive tax dollars or ar funded without theft.

got on air WDEL deleware to talk about Free State Project 6/29/2023 10:10am approx

I hope you get plenty of time to air some thoughtful ideas for the open minded to consider.

raw call log continues
august first approx 2023 got on air Free Talk Live to talk about Disinfector Dave, my roadside cleanup plan
august 3 approx got on air free talk live to start my series “this year in free state history” … reviewing what happened in 2003
august 5 approx got on air free talk live to continue my series “this year in free state history” … reviewing what happened in 2003

got on air wkbk keene to ask school superintendetn… if enrollment is going down, when was last time budget went down? this was 15th attempt to get on air during mitchell’s open mike show and only succeeded (immediately) when i hid my caller i.d. via *67, indicating that WKBK is now trying to keep me off the air during the 9am weekday hour.

9/22/2023 i think…Got on air WMNH manch to talk about two arrested at fed bldg concord nh for trying to film ______
Matt Connarton Unleashed 9-22-23 | WMNH 95.3FM Community Programs

got on air 9/23/2023 free talk live to talk about Matt Sabourin of NHexit questioning chris christie on cam re: NH independence. _____

got on air 9/24/2023 to talk about matt questioning nikki hailey (sp?) about NH independence. _____

Got on air WDEL delaware approx oct 4 to talk about rigged federal judicial system, crypto six sentencing and NH independence drive.

got on air oct 7 free talk live to talk about defend the guard hearing coming up oct 11

10/9/2023 got on air WMNH manch but dont seee myself listed. called to talk about ian freeman sentencing and how to write him
Matt Connarton Unleashed 10-9-23 | WMNH 95.3FM Community Programs

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raw call log for last few weeks:

oct 24 tue Got on air WBZ AM Boston 1050p approx to talk about Israel’s gun control enabling invasion and war.
oct 25 got on air …somewhere out of state, i forget… : 350p approx to talk about same thing but added a plug for the free state project. oh i think it was a christian show i remember now…:

oct 26 got on air WRKO boston to thank host grace curley (Sp?) for using the market against pro-hamas demonstrators rather than the government and to urge her never to use the govt against their free spseech.

got on air FTL 11/1/2023 i think or maybe 10/31 , to talk about NH northern border police state attempt and NHCLU _____

got on air WMNH manch approx 11/1/2023 to talk about same thing

11/5 got on air free talk laive to talk about auhtoritarian govenernor candidate in new hampshire pushing for wide ranging gun control in wake of maine shooting
11/6 got on air free talk liave to talk about new hampshire’s selective service sanctuary state bill i think and its sponsor

11/7/2023 approx 620am got on air WKBK keene to talk about the Selective service sanctuary state bill and its sponsor

got on air free talk live 11/8 to talk about guy in Hillsbo. county nh getting 20 years to life for having a half pound of fentynil.

got on air WVEC San Luis Ob. approx 710pm called into a big CA talk show during a censorship conversation and invited everyone to use new hampshire based odessey !

got on air Free gtalk Live 11/15/2023 approx 730p to talk about artificial general intelligence and how to treat AGI’s from a liberty perspective, golden rule etc.
11/16 got on air WBZ boston to talk about NH primary, dem establishment messing with us, RFK speaking to Free State Project Porcfest after Dems objected

11/16 got on air WKBK keene approx 620a to talk about politicians trying to put more police state in place on NH-Quebec border

11/16 got on air free talk live approx 730p to talk about this: NH supreme court hearing electronic voting machine challenge?

11/17 got on air WCRN Worchester Masss approx 630am to talk about the new secession bill in new hampshire.

more call log / raw notes:

11/27 Got on air WKBK keene apporx 620a to talk about an IndepthNH article.

got on air ftl 11/18/2023 to talk about RebuildNH petition against state pushing covid vax on kids…and NHexit’s secession legislation as a strike the root approach since the state wouldnt do that as much in absence of Fed influence.

11/25 got on air WKBK keene to talk about croyden cutting school budget by half then getting overturned , probably illegally.

11/27 approx 720a got on air WCAP lowell MA to talk about NH gun freedom and the fact that Ukraine/Israel gun control enabled two wars which arguably never could have been launched otherwise.

" got on air 11/27 bill … bunkley? christian show , which was subbing for this show in d.c.:
4p- ? Don Kroah Show: in d.c. A radio talk show that covers topics such as politics, culture, and current events. . Eastern Time 1.
The Don Kroah Show | 105.1 FM WAVA - Washington D.C., VA 1-888-293-9282
877 943 9673 "

… to talk about christian exodus project and free state project.

got on air 12/2/ wkbk keene approx 805a to talk about keene state college speech in october wehre they banned people from wearing coats.

got on air approx 850a 12/4 wcap lowell to talk about jury nullification when they had a dui lawyer guest. asked all the listeners to vote not guilty on victimless crime cases!
12/4 approx 145p got on air WDEL delaware … to talk about NH independence legislation. the friendly host kept me on about 12 minutes and had me take calls like I was a host.
said he was honored I was a listener.

got on air 12/4 wrko boston during AM drive time…to talk about Jason Gerhard’s NH independence bill. This was on Jeff Kuhner’s Trumpist leaning conservative show. I tried to appeal to liberals or at least make the call multipartisain. But he liked the idea and called me a “phenomenal call.” He had not heard about any of our independence legislation. Call probably reached about 200,000 listeners. Followed up with email to him and sent my contact info.

12/8 610am approx… got on air WCRN Worchester MA to talk about Israel gun control enabling the hamas attack.

Got on air Jim Polito show Talk 1200 MA 12/8. approx 850a to talk about Israel gun control enabling Hamas invasion and thus dragging us into unnecessary war.

Got on air 12/9 wkbk keene approx 745a to talk about NH independence as the non-whackamole solution to the 3 problems they had just been discussing. those problems were: bad college presidents, water shortages, gaza. the hosts dismissed the idea out of hand , said it was forbidden and brought up the civil war. so I said , the fact that the feds killed 700,000 people back then… is not a reason to be with them. after the call they went on to talk about all their other beefs with DC, after insisting that we must be ruled by dc. I forgot to mention the survey usa poll showing 42 percent support for an independence referendum.

got on air 12/11 pprox 930a on WCAP lowell ma to talk about NH independence being the solution for the crappy college presidents the host was discussing. finally remembered to mention the Survey USA poll showing 42 percent
support for an independence referendum.

Called in 12/14 got on air WKBK keene approx 720a to talk about a house bill in new hampshire to eliminate juristiction of federal CDC in new hamphsire , and another to create a sancuary state against fed gun laws.

12/14 Got on air WTIC in CT. to talk about Free State Project approx 12:45p 12/14

Partial raw log of my calls over the last 6 months roughly . I say partial, because sometimes I make a call and forget to write it down.

Got on air 12/14 Bill Bunkley’s christian radio show in florida…syndicated i think… to talk about Free Talk Live and , NHexit.US

12/15 645a approx. Got on air WCRN Worchester to update folks about the Crypto 6 /Ian Freeman case inviting folks to his December 19 hearing but getting cut off before I could direct people to this thread or any website. Host went into an immediate rant against Ian calling him a ruinous money launderer. But to his credit he admitted I was right and he was wrong about the total amount of Bitcoin sold. Before getting cut off I was able to tell him that his version of events was the most agregious misrepresentation of Ian’s Bitcoin actions… that I’ve ever heard.

12/15 710a approx. Got on air WCAP Lowell MA to talk about same thing

12/15 735a approx , Talk 1200 Mass…got on air ____ Jim Polito show FreeStyle Friday to talk about same thing.

Got on air 1/2/2024 wdel radio deleware approx 10:20a to talk about NHexit and the 42 percent support for independence referendum here.
Got on air 1/2/ approx 11:50p they were talking about south african afrikaaners under threat… to talk about free state project and carla gericke’s story

got on air 1/2 approx 120p WTIC radio CT to talk about 42 percent support for indepndence referendum in NH, 60 percent support for indepndence in texas, Texit getting enough petition signatures to put independence on the GOP primary ballot.

got on air 1/3 Free talk live to talk about the alternate pledge of allegiance “one empire under fraud…” and maybe improvign on it with a “pledge of goodwill toward NH indepdnence” that one can say while others say the regular pledge.

Got on air WBZ boston apprx 920p to suggest zero spending as the solution to immigration… zero spending on overthrowing central american governments, zero spendign on welfare, enabling zero spending on immigration control. Host made fun of me over this idea , lampooned me to his caller from new york who said " we don’t call that libertarian here in New York; we call it something else." New York. I bet they do.

1/14 745p approx Got on air Free Talk Live to report NHexit activist William Cannon’s claim that he’s been contacted by Captiol Police

Hi Kat: as promised…
got on air 1/17 815p approx free talk live to talk about USS liberty bill

745p 1/20 got on air Free talk live to talk about the NHexit hearing.

GOT on air free talk live 1/24/ to talk about NH primary and my experiences there

got on air 1/25 free talk live to talk about state rep Jason Gerhard getting arrested again at Concord Fed building over the right to record.

got on air 1/18 WCAP lowell MA to talk about political correctness and the impossibility of keeping track of all the things you can’t say.

got on air free talk live approx jan 20 to talk about Capitol Police in D.C. apparently trying to call NH liberty activist jordan cannon at least twice (sp?).
rebecca veronica 6

got on air free talk live 2/25 to talk about christian anarchist / owner russ kanning’s run for Winchester NH school board.

3/2/2024 got on air free talk live approx 830p to talk about 2 year old winchester nh case where attorney general accused a cop of witness tampering.

Got on air 3/6 wbz boston to talk about ron paul, rand paul, and the fact that the man wants us to debate minor issues so we don’t focus on the real ones.

Got on air free talk live 3/7 to talk about russell kanning with update on his campaign and winchester school board craziness

got on air Free talk live to talk about NH liberty activist Silver Dave’s appearance on Howie Carr show NH liberty activist Silver Dave guest on Howie Carr

3/10/2024 got on air free talk live approx 730 p live to talk about options for tamping down civil war , like going to be human sheilds at federal building to protect the people inside from physical attack.

Got on air 3/14/ free talk live to talk about Laurie Ortalano right to know supreme court case against Nashua, NH.

Got on air Free Talk Live approx March 15 to talk about anthony charles olsen’s idea of a special economic zone inside New Hampshire.

“The means must be as pure as the end,

Got on air WBZ during discussion on black reparations to talk about voluntary solutions like creating a crypto and giving it out. And the host added some voluntary solutions of his own! 3/25/2024 aprox 10:20am

Got on air aaprox 420pm bill bunkley show to talk about NHexit etc. as the orderly alternative to the texas border standoff and the rot in DC that he was talking about

got on air 3/31 free talk live approx 745p to talk about

c got on air approx 435p 4/3 Bill Bunkley Show | WTBN-AM - Tampa, FL to talk about govt doing nothing as the solution to immmigration problems.

Got on air WKBK keene to talk on topic about their counterfeiting disucssion…said that if they wanted to go after counterfieters they would be raiding the federal reserve offices in dc
got on air WCRN Mass to talk on topic about federalism and trump being right that abortion should be decided less at the federal level than the state level

Got on air approx 3/15 can’t remember which show… to talk on topic about Dr. King’s idea that the means must be as pure as the ends.

Got on air WCRN mass April 12 approx 615am to talk about NH independence referendum legislation getting twice as many votes on the floor of the house this year compared to 2022.

got on air WKBK keene to talk about New Hampshire Liberty Alliance and a bill that would stop the government from doing the central bank digital currency thing.

got on air jim polito show in Mass April 12 to talk about NHexit nearly doubling its vote count in the House

Got on air free talk live 4/13 to talk about ian freeman letter getting returned becuase i wrote something on the outside of the envelope other than jhust the addresses

Got on air free talk live 4/14 about 715p to talk about NH being rated as the most intelligent state

Got on air 4/16/2024 approx 645a WCRN mass to talk about judging presidents by their spending increases rather than by the drama . Mentioned a libertarian author and reason magazine.

Got on air 4/16 approx 11:20 WBZ boston to talk sort of on topic about the zero aggression principle and the initiation of force

Got on air 4/29 Jim Polito sho in MA to talk on topic about american’s money being stolen from them by DC and sent to israel

Got on air 5/3/2024 wcrn mass to talk about this : “That said come join us for Bitcoin Pizza Day 2024 @ Little Zoe’s Pizza in Keene, NH. The event is scheduled for May 22nd at 5PM. The address is: 149 Emerald St, Keene, NH 03431.”

Got on air 5/3/2024 talk 1200 boston to talk about this : “That said come join us for Bitcoin Pizza Day 2024 @ Little Zoe’s Pizza in Keene, NH. The event is scheduled for May 22nd at 5PM. The address is: 149 Emerald St, Keene, NH 03431.”

5/3/2024 got on air approx 320p bill bunkley show to talk on topic about israel, how the zero aggression principle applies to it, and the free state project .

5/4 got on air approx 930a matt connorton show manch to talk about keene’s bitcoin pizza day event may 22

assuming i forgot to log 20 percent of my calls, so it looks like i made one successful call every three days since dec 2023.

Raw log of my talk radio calls since may 3. However I probably forget to log about 15% of my calls.

5/4 got on air approx 930a matt connorton show manch to talk about keene’s bitcoin pizza day event may 22

5/8 810a approx got on air WCRN worchester mass to talk on topic about trump trial being an act of aggression against the taxpayers forced to underwrite it
5/8 820a approx got on air wcap lowell ma to talk on topic about israel support by fedgov as an act of aggression against taxpayers and also nuclear weps
5/8 815p approx got on air free talk live to talk about siberia’s illegal independence referendum

got on air 5/9 approx 730p free talk live to talk about the “gun control wars” ukraine, israel , and next taiwan… where gun control enables the invasion

got on air 5/10 wkbk approx 915a to talk about Keene’s bitcoin pizza day and invite listenters to attend. call went on a long time.

got on air 5/10 wkbk approx 1020a to oppose cell phone ban in schools.

got on air 5/10 approx 12:50p wtic CT to talk about the free state project

got on air free talk live 5/11/ 730p approx to talk about a quasi federal raid in keene

Got on air 5/16 rick jensen show wdel delaware to talk about free state project and the NH secession legislation

Got on air Free Talk Live to talk about a.i. things people are missing and the first NHexit video made by an a.i. 5/22
5/23 approx 815p Got on air Free Talk Live to talk about Max Abramson runnning for Congress… he’s one of the state reps who voted in support of our NH independence legislation.

5/26 got on air free talk live to talk about NH district courts posting a web page that tells people they must fill out special forms in order to email those courts. roger ver came up bc spanish embassy tells callers they are not allowed to communicate by phone and must send email.

6/12 745p approx Free Talk Live…got on air to talk about nh resident (?) bear arms legal fight to overturn mass gun law(s)

got on air free talk live 6/15 approx 845p to talk about Nashua mayor accusing pine tree flag folks of making threats… and my letter to him requesting details and exact quotes.

6/16 free talk live approx 740p Got on air to raise concerns about this:

got on air free talk live 7/1 to talk about this where a free stater tried to ban private companies from putting mrna in food:

7/3/2024: got on air free talk live to talk about this: NH: FedGov burns GOP mail, brags about it on the net?

got on air 7/6 free talk live to talk about Matt in Seabrook running for state rep and not directly answering Russell Kanning’s question about his stance on NH independence.

got on air approx 830p 7/7 free talk live to talk about this:

7/10/2024 got on air free talk live approx 815pm to talk about this: Dover PD hints at hate crime charges after arresting Somersworth man
7/10/2024 got on air WBZ boston, very approximately 11:00pm, talked on-topic related to discussion of biden’s fallapart. said if we had an actual representative democracy we wouldn’t be having these kinds of bidenproblems. asked why they seemed to be pretending Robert Kennedy wasn’t running. The guest was some presstitute from the biggest paper in Mass…who responded pretty unprofessionally. He tried to dismiss Kennedy with about three different synonyms for “kook.” At that point they went to break before I had a chance to actually use the word presstitute.

got on air WCRN mass approx 615a on july 12. talked about NHexit making it into newsweek the day before.

7/14/2024 got on air free talk live to explain one of the reasons why you don’t use force against your rulers, and suggest NH would be safer with an international border between us and The U.S.

Got on air 7/18 WBZ boston approx 1020p to talk on topic about Trump shooting and Harvard professor Erica Chenoweth’s claim that a movement’s success goes down by a factor of 3 when it uses political violence.

got on air Free Talk Live 7/20 to talk about the fact that the apparent trump asssassination attempt was essensially not covered in the main Concord or Keene papers, at least in their online versions.

got on air free talk live 7/21 to talk about nuclear war risk, launch on warning and annie jacobsen’s new nuclear war book that is getting a lot of attention