Looks like all these mention the NHexit drive:
Wow looks like Yvonne Bailey (sp?) is really earning her pay:
YB FTW lol
https://bluestatebluesnews.com/latest/ (you’ll have to scroll down)
That’s NHexit on Dr. Phil above. It’s triggering peripheral publicity.
Meanwhile this thread lists all my talk radio calls about it that got on the air since 2022… maybe 70 calls or so.
Lily Tang Williams defends the secessionist on her campaign team … but doesn’t support secession herself. She is running for US Congress from NH and likes the US.
The dr. phil youtube clip on NHexit is at over a million views now with over 8,000 comments… over 90 percent of the 100 “top” comments are pro-secession or neutral on secession. But when you look at “newest” comments it’s evenly split. The clip was 8 days old (aug 7) when I did this count.
Tom Woods talks #NHexit
I think both of these mention the New Hampshire independence drive in some form or fashion:
I liked the show. I was especially impressed by what Carla
had to say after about 29:00. She talked about nullification,
and about grass-roots action. She also talked about those
who are registered independents.
I would make one last observation. We cannot have true
liberty until we can get rid of the idea that we must give up
some natural rights in order to have an ordered and
peaceful society. In line with another article posted,
we must align ourselves with the “human nature” aspects
of our society. Natural rights are a part of “human
nature”. I have often tried to emphasize nullification and
the grass roots aspects of all this.
Hopefully I have over the past three years contributed to
the secession talks here, giving historical information, and
trying ti give some idea of how NH compares with other
states and with other countries. I also contributed to
efforts to get national attention with my emails with
James Bickerton at Newsweek.
Just before the Texas border problems, I had said that
I would be less active here. Then Texit hit the news,
and my favorite topic here, secession, the reason I got
on to these boards, took over my life.
I am coming out of two years of serious health problems,
and in a week I will have five days vacation from work.
I am going to refresh my physical, emotional, spiritual,
and academic self. Yes, it’s a bit self-centered, but
that’s what I need for myself.
Hopefully my contributions here have been useful to
us all. I will continue to follow what is happening, but
will probably not contribute much at this point.
May you all have beautiful, pleasurable, and happy lives.
I will see you around, perhaps in unexpected places.
But for now, I bid you adieu.
Evidence they’ll still be talking about NHexit in 200 years!
August 23rd episode of the Part of the Problem podcast
Q: “What is the most effective strategy for libertarians to influence policy in a political landscape dominated by two major parties?”
A1: Running the gayist guy you have”.
- Robbie The Fire
A2: There is no one most effective strategy. There is the LP trying to pressure Trump into taking more libertarian positions, my strategy of telling the truth in front of the biggest audiences I can, the Free State Project’s geographic concentration strategy, and pulling your kids out of government schools.
- Dave Smith
(Summary of Dave’s answer providing his thoughts on four most effective strategies)
From Q&A section at end of the August 23 episode of Part Of The Problem
While not all Free Staters support secession, the geographic concentration strategy will never ube fully effective without NH ending its delegation of authority to the biggest empire in the history of Earth. Secession is a necessary step to living in liberty.
All history of these United States indicates NH will never be a truly free state without leaving the union. Decentralization is key - without a national divorce “The Free State” will always remain just a description of the least tyrannical state under the thumb of the Empire, a slogan, and a goal.
The Free State can never be better than just the freest oppressive US state in practice without leaving the Union.
This kind of thing will be important if NH becomes independent… parts of surrounding states may want to join it. And we’ll need that bc Cheshire Co. and Portsmouth may want to secede from an independent NH. We should be willing to let them go and part as friends…but insist on our right to accept incoming territories.
Secession Podcast
You mentioned that the committee through which the secession
bills are considered is composed of former military.
I would like to point out that many people in the liberty movement
are also former military. Several of them became anarchists
as a result of their military experience… and many of them did not
stay for their full initial contract.
I had a four-year contract in the Air Force… I got out after just
two years. It was an honorable discharge.
I enlisted, because I didn’t want to speak about the military if I
hadn’t experienced it. I am still glad that I did it. When I wanted
to get out it turned out that I volunteered in, so it was easier to
volunteer out.
Among others, former Free Talk Live co-host Brian Sovryn
got out early with an honorable discharge as well.
Not all ex-military are pro-government, pro-state… many of us
are now anarchists.