NH Independence Drive media coverage

I think it’s episode 4 that is dedicated to the NH independence drive

Episode 4 has been posted elsewhere as well, but I watched
all seven episodes related to the FSP, and they are well
worth watching.

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it is funny … the most extreme enemies and all of us are spreading these links to nbc10 boston coverage … both sides like it.
I would think it would be good recruiting tool for our kind of people.


“… like these Secessionist Goofballs…” NH House Majority Leader, Jason Osborne(R)

Some of us “self identify” as Secessionist Enthusiasts, please refrain from mis-labeling us.

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…or those “Ukrainian independence” goofballs

you haven’t arrived until you’ve been thrown under the bus by your own.


If you click on the “Survey USA” link near the top you can find even more interesting results.
For example:

“43% agree (20% strongly, 23% somewhat) that states should not need permission from the federal government to peacefully separate it. 45% disagree (16% somewhat, 29% strongly).”

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Notice, too, that the question of military action should Hawaii, California, or Texas were to secede, only 3-4% would vote for military action to be taken.
This is in line with what has already been discussed here. Military action would probably not be accepted by any state in the union! It’s good to see evidence for this.


For sure NH or TX has a strong defense force so unlikely to have another civil war if the state decides to revert to a territory.

A little view into the FSP in NH


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One of our opponents thinks we “have overplayed” our hand with things like secession

I think rather that we’ve neglected too many other issues.
I think we need to address the individual issues that would
eventually lead to secession, rather than going whole hog
under the heading of secession, without addressing the
individual issues involved.

There were several things that ran kind of off-the-cuff that were wrong, but not really
very serious. For example, Zandra talked about people being “brought to NH”. Fact
is that I didn’t find out about the FSP until AFTER I had decided to move to NH.
Zandra is also forgetting that Freestaters, while they might be in every town and county
and city in NH, are still a very small minority. Activist, yes, but still a very very small
minority. It takes the rest of the community, the majority, to elect them to office.

I wish that some major media would talk to some of us lesser-known Freestaters.
For example, I have already expressed my views on secession, but I have also said
that now is not the time, that we need to get our act straight on the underlying issues.
Fact is, if I had been able to appear at the CACR-32 hearing, I would have pointed
out the problems of the committee’s way of thinking, but would also have urged them
to vote “NO” on the bill. Now is not the time.

In the long run, there is too much emphasis on the “faces” of the FSP, and not enough
on the membership at large. Further, there are many people who have moved here for
liberty but have never signed the letter of intent, and never been active in the FSP.

I would guess that the major media will always focus on the more-known freestaters. If you want them to cover your activism, you might have to do something newsworthy.

I want to be free of the US, NATO, UN, WHO right now. How long do I have to wait on your timetable?

I think it is a matter of perspective. We would all like to be free of these things right now…
But I think that to be free of them, we just have to stop following them. Call it civil disobedience
if you like. It is not really a matter of whether or not these organizations are exerting their claim
over us… it is a matter if we cooperate with them.

On a more formal basis, I think that complete separation from all these can happen within about
ten years. Every ten years NH votes on a new constitutional convention. When’s the next one,
about 2032? I suggest that if we do it right, people will be ready to vote on a national constitutional convention for NH, rather than a state one.

In the meantime, we take care of these things at the local and state level. Instead of setting building
codes to be what the international building code are, eliminate that directive from the RSAs. Anything
in the RSAs that refer to national or international laws or regulations need to be eliminated. Of course,
sometimes it might be necessary to substitute something more particular to our state. Building codes
might be rewritten, to make them more applicable to NH specifically.
At the same time, I think Carla had it right when she said that the decision on Gunstock (? that ski place)
had to be a decision of the people of that county. We have to stop thinking about a standard FSP economic or political goal. Each county, each town, etc. had to be given autonomy. In the long run
that will give us all autonomy from not only the state, but from all national and international groups.
We just have to do it.

In other words, work locally, not nationally or internationally. Make each of our towns and cities essentially an independent region. Many towns have no ordinances, even about noise, or the operation
of various types of businesses. If each town acted independently of the state, it would also be
acting independently of the US, NATO, UN, etc.

Some would say that it makes it possible for the state to pick us off one town at a time. I say, if each
town ACTED independently, and each town respected the decisions of the towns next door, NH would essentially be a conglomeration of independent towns. If the state refused to interfere on local matters,
but would defend local areas against outside interference (e.g. on the matter of civil asset forfeiture),
we would be DE FACTO independent.

[edit] I can think of one time this actually had an effect… many years ago, the businesses around Niagara Falls wanted to take advantage of weekend (including Sunday) tourism. However, there was I believe a provincial, but perhaps a national, law that closed businesses on Sunday. The businesses banded together to resist the Sunday closing law. The threat did not carry through completely, but within a very short time the message got through. I’m not sure what the Sunday business laws are now, but there are certainly more businesses open on Sunday than there used to be. I think this action was taken about 30-40 years ago…

One servant with two masters serves neither well.

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Sorry for taking so long to respond. I’ve been in rehab after a complete hip replacement on March 30.

El_Stone… That’s exactly why I suggest the route to independence that I have above. In this case it might even be three masters - federal govt, state govt, and local govt. I have come down on the side
of local govt, and what local govt can do to throw off the state and federal govts.

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NHexit comes up a few times in this radio appearance…




Recent NHexit discussion meetings RidleyReport

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