The Verge Runs Feature-Length Story About The Crypto Six

Originally published at: The Verge Runs Feature-Length Story About The Crypto Six | Free Keene

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The Verge

Thanks to Russell Brandom at the Verge for this amazing feature-length coverage of the federal attack on the Crypto Six.

The attack on the Crypto Six is more evidence that the libertarian migration to New Hampshire is a clear threat to the status quo. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. We’re solidly in the “fight you” phase. The Verge feature will hopefully raise awareness of the ongoing attack on liberty-loving activists here in New Hampshire and bring even more people to the front lines of peaceful activism here. It even mentions secession!

Brandom’s piece covers a lot and mentions the Free State Project, Anypay, Goldback, Free Talk Live, Bitcoin Cash, Monero, Free Keene, and confirms Keene’s status as the Crypto Mecca. The article is very well-written and in-depth with some excellent photography.

Please do read it here at the Verge and share it on your favorite social media.