Stephen Paddock hates country music

Dude fired full auto into a concert from the 32nd floor of Mandalay bay. Sounded like he had high capacity drum magazines or a belt fed gun. Crazy long bursts with no reloading. It took a while for people to realize they were being shot at.

About 40,000 fans were in the fairgrounds area, where there were multiple stages and other areas set up for the festival, according to The Associated Press. Concertgoer Kodiak Yazzi, 36, told the AP that the music stopped temporarily after a sound that was like a firecracker. It then started up again before another round of pops sent performers ducking for cover and fleeing the stage, while panicked fans also rushed for the exits. Yazzi told the AP he took cover and saw flashes of light coming from the Mandalay Bay hotel tower above the concert. He said the bursts would start and stop for about five minutes.

Goddamn, first place I heard about it. Guy looks like the typical libertarian with an Asian wife.

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The guy had 10+ guns with him.

He killed himself.

58+ dead, 515+ injured.

So do I; I’ve never shot any of the fans.

Please, go on.

Signed, libertarian with Asian wife.

FWIW, he appears to be in one of those overseas dives and that appears to be a “bar girl.”

I think she demonstrated that she’s a complete idiot. Getting tired, however, of companies firing people for being idiots when not on the job. What’s the hot term for this kind of action of late? Virtue signaling? I’m thinking 9/10 of the people at CBS agreed with her, but thought they had to fire her for publicly saying what she thought.

I’ve stayed at Mandalay Bay several times. The company I worked for did a yearly event there, and I would usually give a hands on lab, or some kind of training.

I never enjoy Las Vegas very much. I don’t really drink, and don’t bring weed with me when I travel. So mostly I just work and sleep when I am there.

One night I was rudely awoken at about 9 PM by The Beach Boys playing outside my window. It was horrible, and I don’t even hate The Beach Boys. Luckily I was able to go back to sleep, didn’t have any guns with me, don’t have anger management issues, and it wasn’t county music.

LOL at Ian thinking regular people with guns would have been able to break down the door to stop this guy. Most likely he barricaded the door. The police used explosives to get in after the guy was dead.

A modified bump stock rifle was also found, which allows a gun to simulate rapid automatic gunfire. Law enforcement officials are still in the process of examining firearms to determine if they were capable of firing automatically.

They say he had two rifles with bump stocks.

That’s the end of those things, if only because they’re about to be sued out of existence.

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Yup, that’s the end of that. Had a friend who polished his sear and got a couple shots at a time, accidentally, but I hadn’t seen that before. It’s over now.

Sounds like he had wifi cameras set up in the hallway, and knew when police were approaching the door.

As officers approached Paddock’s suite, he opened fire, shooting a security guard in the leg, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told reporters Monday.
The first responders retreated and waited for SWAT to take the shooter out.

“A team of six officers that approached security, they went up the elevators after discussing the situation with the security and obtaining intelligence,” Lombardo said.
“And they checked each floor by floor until they located where they believe to be the room. Subsequently they approached the room, received gunfire, they backed off and SWAT responded.”

One official said Paddock had a camera mounted in the room, apparently to record himself.

“Responding to the call of [Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] to target the states of the Crusader alliance, and after careful observation of gatherings of the Crusaders in the US city of Las Vegas, one of the soldiers of the caliphate (Abu Abd al-Bar al-Amriki, may Allah accept him) lay hidden armed with machine guns and various ammunition in a hotel overlooking a concert,” it said.

“He opened fire on their gathering, leaving 600 killed and injured, until his ammunition was finished and he departed as a martyr.”

If the guy was really a new convert to Islam, that’s bad news for the other white guys who’ve chosen to submit to Allah who reside in the US.

Have no idea if it’s true, but I’m down with the criticism that they were quick to say it wasn’t terrorism because it was a White dude.

…and it’s not that I like governments calling everything terrorism. They shouldn’t have claimed to know.

The motherfucker planned out an attack, which the point seemed to be to try and kill as many people as possible in a confined space. That’s the plain observable reality. I don’t know how the guy wouldn’t be labeled a terrorist, even if he was the only follower of his own philosophy.

I was thinking that they couldn’t find any basis for political or social agenda. Maybe I gave them too much credit at first. IMO, it’s actually sorta refreshing for them not to freak out and call it terrorism automatically (though maybe they shouldn’t have claimed it wasn’t, either.) Governments seize the opportunity to respond to terrorism as an excuse for all sorts of hegemony.

This is interesting:

12 rifles with bump fire stocks in the room. Stacks of magazines, look like 40 rnd.

I guess the idea would be to dump a magazine and move to the next gun so they can cool down a little? Also wouldn’t need to waste time to reload, just grab another gun.

I read he had a camera on the peep hole of the door, and one on a service cart in the hallway. The room was at the end of the hallway.