Cops confront videographer trying to film the raid at Mighty Moose mart
USPS was involved in the case, its enforcement wing participated n the investigation. Here is the demonstration at their big facility in Manch
Link for mailing letters to jail.
Monsuier Freeman called into free talk live tonight in the first segment so maybe someone will want to post the archive
How to contact Ian Freeman & Nobody:
I got investigated on the way to the concord protest! the protest itself appears later in the vid.
Can anyone verify for me, preferably with some original source… how many NH Bitcoin machines did the Feds seize on 3/16? Was it the Feds who did so in every case?
heh… you’re appreciated in some ways even if you don’t appreciate us Irving. I heard an exact date for the new bail hearing but forgot it… can someone post it? how about the exact time and how do we listen in? Meanwhile, action continues in response to 3/16, a date that now lives in dishonor.
where do we get info on how to log in and observe on video these appeals? would anyone be willing to take detailed notes recording what you see as you watch this? I don’t think that happened last time. I will be out on my little march thingie that day, not sure if i will be able to view this.
Correction… The hearing alluded to in my previous post is actually on the 10th and not on the 5th and it is open to the public get off your butt and look for it if you want to know where it is
Ian’s reconsideration for freedom before trial is going to be argued today at 2:00 1 hour the hearings online: be there or be square
now just two obvious NH political prisoners I’m aware of… Jerry DeLemus and Rich Paul. How do we get em out ???
According to a post elsewhere, "Nobody’s bond appeal hearing has been scheduled for Friday the 23rd at 11AM. The link below will grant you access.
so july 23 supposedly
" mr penguin, [1/22/2022 8:53 PM]
Prosecutor Objects To Mr Nobody’s Motion To Be Relieved Of Illegal Prior Restraint Order Inhibiting Speech: Show One Hundred And Forty Nine – Freedom Decrypted "
There’s a plea bargain hearing today… This is late notice but… It’s today at 2
Two of the parties, it seems, are taking a plea bargain today
thanks irving … I should have been putting more info here on this thread over the last couple months.
Two Members of NH's ‘Crypto Six’ Taking Pleas - NH Journal had an article on it an has a rebuttal or somewhat different version of events on their show around April 7 i think.
Nobody is taking a plea also
New government low, well not new; it’s what they do to make people submit.
If this doesn’t get your hackles up your probably dead.