Imam Accused of Being Drunk by City of Keene Bureaucrat!

Originally published at:

Will Coley, Imam of the soon-to-open MALIC Center in Keene, NH recently made the mistake of asking permission to put up a sign for the mosque he’s opening in Keene. Realizing that asking for permission only gives bureaucrats reasons to create hoops to jump and fees to pay, Will went in to inform them he…

Well, that was a quick return of investment in activism…lol.

Activism? It’s just existing.

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Robots, robots, robots…
They never think they’re doing anything wrong.
I loved how they kept digging themselves a grave, and that hoe who was trying to be slick and say will was a drinking. You look real dumb lady- great move- now you look like an idiot for the world to see.

Boys thank you for everything you do! I hope to join you guys one day :heart:

Just existing…as an activist.

A normal sheeple would have bent over and asked “How many hoops must I jump through so that I may put up a sign, Master? Oh please tell me when I may be allowed to do this, and which forms to sign, and how long you will delay me. Can I give money to your favorite cause?”

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Will Coley is a big deal and seems to be hitting on nearly every cylinder… I’m sorry I haven’t done more to draw attention to his activism. Give me time.


I like Will’s Muslim outreach because bureaucrats almost always seem to think he’s trolling them, so it exposes their behavior, yet it’s a brilliant way to reach out to the Muslim community, and everyone, with principles of liberty. Muslims can understand better what a free society has for them, spiritually, and once a robust Muslim outreach is in progress, the community can understand that it is not the religion itself that is causing problems throughout the world, but leviathan. While I’m not Muslim myself, I can understand that the mission helps to maximize the value of activism.

It’s always bothered me that people blame religion for the world’s troubles. I blame the wielding of power—with or without religion, but always with ideology—for corruption in the world. Pol Pot, Mau and Stalin didn’t use religion to destroy.

Unlike issues such as money, pot or gay rights, it’s not an area in which “we’ve already won, they just don’t know it,” so it has added value to change more people’s minds. It may even be possible to make the world a better place.

Religions are almost always successful because they end up being intertwined with the powers that be. The existence of the type of government of the City of Keene can be directly traced back to society that the Puritans attempted, even though it exists as a secular institution. Probably unknowingly to all the participants in this altercation, it really is a deep rooted battle between Christianity and Islam that’s happening before their eyes.

I’d say it’s a battle between broken sects of each, at most, where The State is the primary actor.

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Does Will follow halal rules? I’m wondering how that works when eating at restaurants, because I know he has talked about having issues when eating at them in Keene.

Will sound like a bit of a dick in this article for worrying about Chris Cantwell, and wondering how he is still able to do his podcast from jail.

However, he was told last week when he applied for a sign permit that he would be required to apply for a building permit to change the use of the building. This would require a public hearing process that Coley would like to avoid since white supremacist Chris Cantwell of Keene, who is in jail currently for his role in this summer’s Charlottesville, Va., riots, has mentioned the mosque opening in his podcast.

“We kind of paid attention to the proceedings and he’s still doing his podcast from jail somehow and I heard him on Saturday mention that we were here,” Coley said. “We’re at least on his radar.”

Coley said his mosque already has 20 families as members and it is his duty to protect them.

A public hearing process may draw out Cantwell emissaries to oppose the center, he said.

“I have twenty families, they are my responsibility, to protect them and not expose them to undue harm,” Coley said. “We were ready to go and now it may be two months, maybe longer and there may be an insane circus.”

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Ayup. The first thing my brain thought was that Free Keene won’t survive this kind of Nazi’s vs. Islam drama if it starts after Cantwell gets out of jail.

(in b4 “Free Keene is just a blog”)

Won’t survive? Free Keene’s survived a lot of shit over the years.

I’m just saying I got that feeling about this like how you were going to get kicked outta the FSP.

They can’t kick me out twice, and Free Keene ain’t a democracy.


I guess the intra-FSP haters could get more mad, but who really cares?

Oh, I didn’t mean to imply this scenario had to do anything with the small-potatoes FSP situation. Just a similar kind of gut feeling, that’s all.

I’m referring to ridiculous provoked conflict leading to real violence, even possibly escalating to outright murder.

Dude, this is Keene we’re talking about. Chill.

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