Got activism?

Let’s post ideas of activism, and let’s bounce ideas off each other. These ideas can be radical to minute- whatever you can think of to push everyone to more freedom, post it here.

I was thinking of having staged events. Like places like Starbucks or public but insulated areas. Where the conversation is controlled and the only variable would be the person you invite in the conversation. This person is who you try to change their mind.
Just like a seminar- those who want to sell, stage a stooge in the audience to control conversation, that person will ask thought provoking ideas, which makes the audience pay attention to the seminar more. Once there is a heated “discussion” between host and stooge, people will start forming opinions in their heads, but then BAM! The stooge agrees at the end with the host and now everyone thinks a little more clearly now, and then you make the sell lol.
I hope you were following- it’s realky hard to explain this one through iPhone texting lol

My overall idea is to change culture. Culture is what makes our country sepertae and divide into classes and political status. Just like government schools, they change the culture starting with the children. I think we can do the same for the Liberty movement. Not necessarily school aged students, but college for sure. Walk around campus stage a situation, and start converting minds… thoughts? It’s police officer free, and money free- so win win.

I definitely agree with this. :grin:
Until liberty is a mainstream idea, I don’t believe it will ever really catch on with the masses.
In my opinion, we need to be as cool as the Kardashians to really change the world.

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Dude that’s exactly what I’m talking about :heart:

Honestly I can see black culture being one of the catalyst. If they continue to be entrepunural and continue you ignore the rules- such as intellectual property, and selling drugs I can really see culture changing. I know a lot of black communities suffer from government hand out syndrome, but I can see them changing. I really have hope, like weed man in New Jersey (its New Jersey right?) he’s doing his business and safety providing a product. More people like this not giving a F- will stop having government in control. Look how far weed has come.

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It’s easy to play dirty and manipulate people into caring about stupid things like the Kardashians. But what’s the point of doing it at all if you’re playing in their arena?

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On what uniting front? When you exclude religion from the list of possibilities, there’s not much left that can be considered culturally unifying.

IMO, religion is just a special case of ideology, and I’d say our little cult qualifies as ideological.

The uniting front I wish to become mainstream is the culture of peace. Not just foreign policy but all aspects of life. No need to have a religion to spread peace.

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What is peace? For instance, people can’t even agree on what aggression is in the NAP. How you enforce a specific definition of peace to propagate it into calling it a culture?

People can’t agree on what God is. Didn’t stop them from building a culture around the idea.

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That’s not true at all, history is all about people building a culture around agreeing on what God is. That was my point, they agreed on a definition. How do you propose a viable way people agree on the definitions, such as of “peace”, outside of a religion/government/cult structure?

You do need a huge shift in the populace but it doesn’t have to be in the MSM. Piracy is shifting in the populace to being okay and the only MSM stories on it are negative and there are very few of them. The problem is how to reach a large populace, that’s the question we should be asking.

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That’s what I’m saying, exactly. We should be asking how do we change a bigger populace. I believe that answer is bitcoin. If rappers talk about how anymous it is to do drug deals with crypto, you better believe the youth is going to be all over that. If Latin Americans start using to send money to family, imagaine quick western union is going to die, and watch the crypto economy explode- and even better the quality of life for the Latin Americans.
I personally am going to start reaching out to those communities. That’s how passionate I am of know that bitcoin is a us doller killer, and state killer.

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Because they are the majority and they mostly dictate policy… Or in this case, what’s “cool”.
Most hardcore libertarians disagree with me, but as long as we come across as “nerds in basements”, we’ll never be taken seriously as a cultural influence.

It is absolutely the most important question that needs a viable answer, one that is inclusive of people of average intelligence instead of just (with some exceptions) the top 2%.

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What if the systems we have in place now are a direct result of human nature wanting to do the least work possible to achieve their ultimate goal of being as lazy as possible? How do you motivate people away from that?

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Activism List (small and large):

A. Distribute books, pamphlets, or media.

  1. You can buy “Economics in One Lesson”, 'The Law", and “I Pencil” for less than 1$ each when buying in bulk from ( ) to distribute in little free libraries ( ), events, laundromats, etc. See post: “Activism: Distributing printed books (and Flash-drives) on liberty and economics in the community”.

  2. Papers can be printed and distributed or posted.

  3. Cheap USB drives can hold a lot of data for distribution if the user will accept it.

B. T-shirts

C. Name your WiFi name with “freetalklive.com_TaxIsTheft” inside the name or some other similar saying for those in the neighborhood to see.

D. Bumper-stickers

E. Social Media to some extent

F. Slogans over the CB radio when you are driving.

G. Flags, signs, and banners from car, house, etc.

H. Home school, supplement government schooling

I. Rallies / Demonstrations

J. Discussion Groups and liberty related discussion groups

K. Contact and talk on radio stations.

L. Local community TV / FM stations

M. Public plays and drama

N. Strikes, slow downs

O. Boycotts

P. Book Club around liberty themed books.

Q. Movie Club around liberty themed movies

R. Show you Sad / Happy face when approprate

S. Create liberty themed music, books, movies

T. Ostracism, carefully done

U. ??


(Please add to this)

ZINES you can buy cheap or print in bulk :
1) "To Change Everything " (you can print and staple yourself)
4) "A Civilians Guide To Direct Action"
6) "Don’t Try To Break Us We’ll Explode"
5) "How To Form An Affinity Group"
2) "From Democracy to Freedom"
7) "We Are All Very Anxious"
3) "Voting Vs, Direct Action"
8) "Seattle Logistics Zine"
9) "The Struggle Is Not For Martyrdom,But For Life"
Have a nice day ! :wink: Samm

ZINES you can buy cheap or print in bulk :

So, you’re a leftist?

Labels like “leftist” are used by people that watch too much TV. I’m an Anarchist. Like many others here. What are you ?
…A “statist” ?

A leftist anarchist? Because you’re suggesting people hand out Antifa literature that advocates violence.

We’re not violent here. You know what I’m saying?