Ok, yeah, if you want to make something as gas heavy as E85, you have to dry it out. But if all you’re doing is putting that 2% of gas(or any of the other various things you can use) to make it legal to take out of a licensed fuel distillery, then 190 is just fine.
As far as “leftist excuses to bolster wind and solar”, hey, all I’m saying is that ethanol is a better fuel than gas, and on its own, without government interference, is cheaper than gas, on its own, without government interference.
I think Henry Ford said it, “There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented. There’s enough alcohol in one year’s yield of an acre of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the fields for a hundred years.”
I don’t know all the economic details of why this costs that or whatever, but here’s some numbers, going with sugar beets which are a great crop to use for ethanol and are pretty easy to grow.
Sugar beets are currently going for about $40 a ton(high price) in the bulk market.
You get about 24 gallons of ethanol per ton of sugar beets.
$40 / 24 gallons = about $1.67
so, if you(distiller/distributor) price your ethanol at $2 per gallon, you get ($2 * 24) $48 per ton of sugar beets, or an extra $4 per ton for the farmer and still get to keep $4 per tank of gas that you sell.
And I suppose that the gas stations would probably end up charging $2.25 a gallon for their profit as well, and everyone makes out, except the oil companies.
And before you poopoo that $4 per ton for the farmer, keep in mind that an acre of sugar beets will give you between 16 and 25 tons. And I don’t think there’s very many people living off of farming who plant just one acre every year.
blah. Stop getting me worked up, it wears me out.