Are Jews white?

I’ve been hearing a lot of Jews say they aren’t white, they are jewish. Adam Kokesh uses this line.

“White” people are Caucasian.

Jewish isn’t a race. Most are Caucasoid…but they can be any race.

Caucasian breaks down into three subgroups: Aryans, Hamitic and Semitic

Most Jews claim to be Semitic. They call people who don’t like Jews anti-semitic.

Race is stupid to begin with, but to pretend jewish is a race is even stupider.

Wow, that kind of hurt to read. If Jewish was a race then so would being a Catholic or any other religion. There are plenty of black, asian, korean, etc… Catholics out there so I have no idea what this guy is talking about. This feels like a “We feel persecuted so we need to make ourselves even more insular.”

No thanks. Being Jewish is your religion, that’s all.

Jews will be considered white until it’s no longer advantageous for them to be considered white.

What difference does it make if they’re white? Do you believe that impacts the rights they have?

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It doesnt really matter. But it seems pretty crazy when Adam Kokesh says he’s not white because he’s jewish. Those things aren’t mutual exclusive.

Racists like Chris Cantwell agree with Jews like Adam.

Is a black jew like Sammy Davis jr not black?

if you think it doesn’t limit their rights; what difference does it make?
and if you think it doesn’t make a difference; why bring it up?


I suppose it depends on your definition of “white”. Why should anybody care?

Personally, I’ve abandoned the entire concept of race. I’m human. Ask me again, that’s all you’ll get: human.


IMHO that’s pretty much it. Once labels start being thrown around you start getting problems. You end up with a country split in half for no other reason than labels. George Carlin had a quick bit on it.


Is Aspergers a race?


I’m w/ that totally.
Long ago, even before I welcomed in libertarian ideas into my heart, I questioned many of these things that causes divide amongst us.
Perhaps it was growing what/who I was in NYC where I had good times w/ every kind of person but my first thought after meeting someone isn’t what race/color/nationality/economical-class they are.

There is a level of beauty in all our sizes, shapes, colors-- but thats all it is for me.

This isn’t how a conversation is supposed to work. You answered my question with two questions. I was nice and answered your questions.

I’m not answering any more of your questions if you aren’t going to answer one or two my mine.

I’ll narrow it down for you.

Is Adam Kokesh white?

Is Sammy Davis Jr. black?

It’s something to talk about.

Is race something you can choose?

Black or white?

@blackie This just disintegrated into some weird SJW tumblr conversation. The reason why @LibertyPenguin and @FriarRich are not answering the questions directly is that they are so obvious they really don’t need an answer.

Adam Kokesh is white. (maybe? We really don’t know his genealogy but let’s assume for the sake of argument that he is).

Sammy Davis Jr. is black.

No, race isn’t something you can choose.

This entire argument that he makes, as I stated before, just tries to put them into a more “special” camp. The question we should be asking is “is this a bad thing”.

I don’t care; it doesn’t change how I treat either person.

I’ll never understand why some people are so infatuated with race


I don’t understand why someone would post in a topic they don’t care about.

There are Asperger’s genes, so it must be a race.

I am from the race of people who pass out when I smoke cannabis, so I don’t really smoke it.

I’m half Polish and the other half English/French. Can I be race-neutral like you can be gender-neutral?

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I am from the race of people who pass out when I smoke cannabis, so I don’t really smoke it.

I’m so sorry Jay. How about edibles?

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It does seem like some of that going on. They were considered “free white persons” back in the day.

My race is vegan. Most people are racist against vegans.

A couple days ago I found out I am cisgender.

So there should also be transrace and cisrace.

You can be transrace and be whatever race you want.

I am transrace. I was born white, but i’ve been vegan since 1994.

My kids were born vegan. They have never been white.

But labels are useful sometimes.

If you witness a crime and need to describe the perpetrator, things like black, white, asian, hispanic are useful descriptors.

Not the label I was thinking of. More like specific ones. Liberal, conservative, CIS, transgender, etc… More nuanced labels that just further divide us.