Are Jews white?

I’d have to experiment with better recipes people have come up with in the advanced study of Marijuanics this last decade has brought us, but I’ve tried homemade alcohol tincture and cake without much effect at all.

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Could it be that it disturbs some of us that people DO care about it?

I’d estimate that at least 3/4 of the world population cares deeply about race/ethnicity, even if it’s just about who they wouldn’t date.

…and I find that disturbing.

That looked like a man in blackface at first.

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I guess it depends how you want to define race.

How many races of Jews are there?

Is British/Irish a race?
Is French/German a race?

Those are two “races” that come up on my DNA report. Or do they just fall under the northwest European race?

These are the 23 and Me reference populations

Can you identify the races of the backyardigans?

Tyrone, Uniqua and Tasha. Hmmmm…

Odd names for the voice artists not speaking a certain way. You know, I’m saying, statistically the odds are against…

This entire thread just went weird. The Tumblr outlook from about 13 through college is horrible and I think it’s hurting more than anything else.

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What does “jewish” in jewish day school mean?

Is it the race?

“Israelis” know how to work the US system.

Unlike Jewish day schools, which are private, Hebrew charter schools receive taxpayer dollars and are free and open to students of all backgrounds. Because of that, they can’t give their students religious education — though they can teach a particular language, culture and history. The two schools taking the trip — Hebrew Language Academy and Hatikvah International Academy in East Brunswick, New Jersey — are both part of Hebrew Public, a national network of four Hebrew charter schools it directly manages and six affiliates.

Yusupov, who will be accompanying the students on the trip, hopes the experience will bring Israeli culture to life. The 10-day excursion follows an itinerary with many of the same stops as Birthright, the free, 10-day trips to Israel for young Jewish adults.

Hebrew Language Academy was founded in 2009 with private funding from Michael Steinhardt — who also funds Birthright — and other Jewish philanthropists who founded the Hebrew Public network. It’s one of about a dozen Hebrew-language charter schools nationwide. Now, the school runs entirely on public funds, and chooses its students by lottery from its local school district. Hebrew Language Academy estimates that about 50 percent of its students are Jewish, along with a large population of students of Caribbean descent.

Apparently jewish day schools get government funding too.


