Whole Food Multi Complete

The coupon code for Whole Food Multi Complete doesn’t work.

Warning: Coupon is either invalid, expired or reached its usage limit!

You should probably add something to the live ad reads to clearly specify that it is plant based and has no animal products. I had to drill down to the Q&A page to find the answer.

3. Is WFMC considered safe for vegetarians?
Our product is completely vegetarian. It is also gluten, soy and dairy FREE. The capsules are vegetable derived also.

I’ll pass this info to Mark Edge

I passed the info to Mark, who reached out to the proprietors of the company. Below is the response:

We have also received another order where the code was used successfully, but I had my wife run this test just the same. I’m sending this to you since you’re the one who contacted me; but please share this info with Darryl.
For this test we even included an additional item besides Whole Food Multi Complete… to ensure the code now works for other products.
I don’t know if this is a problem on the customer’s end, or just a glitch. After all, glitches with coupon codes can happen even on major websites. It is the Internet, after all.
There is also the possibility that the customer was placing their order at the exact instant we did an update. (We try to do those late at night to avoid this problem.)
Whatever happened, would you please tell the customer to just try it again… and if it still doesn’t work for them, just call us. We’ll get them the discount one way or the other.

Thanks. Coupon code is working for me now.

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