What the police are:

Good morning.
Orderly fashion. The cars driving the kids to school in a nicely spaced line. The sleepwalking in & out of dunkin’s . The police dispatchers judging everyone because of their “records”.
The folks getting wanded with metal detectors at the court houses & airports. Timeclocks clicking by the millions. A society trained like milking cows at a farm into a routine. Routine.Routine.Routine.
This is not how it should be.
The most numb to this are the “police”.
Brainwashed people. THE biggest scum on this earth. Helping along the most EVIL ever brought to humanity. And to nature. Evil has arrived in the form of CONTROL. The police are here to see it through. The WEAKEST minded people are the police. Licking the boots of the politicians. NO MATTER WHAT.
Skin-headed motherfucks that may as well be robots. They stand in the way. I am looking forward to a break in the INGRAINED MORALITY that will destroy humanity and nature if it continues. The police and their technology IS evil.People are going to wake up.
This awakening is much more than which “party” to vote for. Fuck your party. :grinning:
Sincerely, Samm


Hey Samm,
Did we meet at PorcFest or ForkFest this year?
A lot of us came together to practice agorism and share ideas in person.

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The police have weak souls. If any at all. Obviously the most weak minded out there.
Look at what it takes to be a cop: Follow orders. In school. At the academy. It’s all about being on their knees. A total commitment to a life on their knees. Taking orders from the elite. Unable to think real thoughts.
Noticed one driving by a school: Skinhead on guard. Fat wad of Skoal in lower lip.
Bunch of redneck seniors with lifted trucks looked like they were probably poking jokes at the lowly prick.

They’re easy to see though. Out in the open. Uniforms that scream “look at me look at me, I’m a brainwashed fucking coward, protecting NO ONE except the evil, wealthy order-givers”. Working not for pride, but for the lowly dollar.
Then you have these lowly police dispatchers: Overweight cunts that dwell on knowing everybody’s “record”. Why do they all support dunkin’s so much ? Into the station: Suuuuuuuey ! suey!suey! Suuuuuuey! These overweight brainwashed cunts are no good. They should at least eat a good breakfast once in a while. Wiiiiiiide asses.
Of course you gotta give credit where it’s due: Don’t forget the “undercovers” out there. More indoctrinated cowards flying around in their planes taking aerials of those dastardly freedom lovers. Hiding during the day as “normal” citizens.

6-12th Grade
What do you know about the CIA? Have you learned about us in the movies or from books? Have you heard about us in the news? We figure you probably know a little something about the CIA or you wouldn’t be here.

Right away, we like your curiosity and your ability to find information. In fact, our employees know how to access information, filter it into intelligence reports, and give it to the president and other US leaders who make important decisions.
Above is from CIA youth recruiting. This is where the trained cowards look to start indoctrination. Actually an elementary school effort as well. Fucking lowlifes. Wonder where these kids end up ?

Being a police officer is not an easy task. Nobody calls you until there’s a serious problem. No thanks. Everybody loves fireman.