My apologies for my long delay, real life and all.
I apologize if I mis-identiftied you, I can only judge people by what I see and hear.
I too am done with baby-steps. I’m for living my life as a free man. My freedom isn’t dependent upon others opinions, but rather my ability to, as Heinlein said, accept responsibility for my actions, to ignore or tolerate the ‘laws’ that are unjust, and to obey the Laws that are just, but am always be responsible for my actions.
I question your premise that “we can’t just rid of goverment”. Why not? “Government” doesn’t exist in this reality. It never has existed. It’s a form of religion, and just like any religion you are free to accept it’s ideology, or reject it. Don’t think me a fool that there aren’t men and women who belong to this religion, whom are willing to justify their immoral and unlawful behaviors in the name of their religion, just as there are other religions who have in the past, and those who even now choose to attack and kill people to serve their “gods”.
It’s like Atlas Shrugged, the first step in changing your paradigm is to first understand that everything you “know is wrong” and then to stand up and say “no”. “No” is a powerful word. The fact that you have people willing to say “no” to one set of rulers is and will be a move in the direction of exercising the collectivist mental spooks that exist in people’s heads.
It’s interesting that you mention Marx’s failures. I wonder if you consider that you are doing something similar to what he did. You can not predict, let alone control, the collective will of nine billion people, nor nine million, nor nine thousand, nor nine hundred, nor nine. You can only control one person, you. Any attempt to control the will of anyone else is an exercise in futility. You can talk to people. You can attempt to influence people, but you can’t control them. So, just don’t try.
I can understand that this is what you maybe are trying to do, convince or influence people. Garbage in, equals garbage out. If you start will a faulty idea, the only outcome is a faulty one. The first step is to change your perspective, then you can start to effectively influence people. People want answers to their questions of “what do we do” and “how do we move from here”. You don’t have the answer. I don’t have the answer. No one does.
So, when I tell people that we need to end “government” they play the game “twenty questions”, I refuse to play. I just tell them, first you have to be willing to accept the premise that everything you know is wrong, and can you do possibly do that? If they can’t, then it’s a waste of time because they are so hooked into the Matrix that they can’t break free. If they say, yes or maybe then we can talk.
Changing minds is a long and arduous task. You have to attack accepted premises. If someone asks me what do we do about the police, and after they are will to at least accept the premise that possibly everything they know is wrong, I attack the premise. First, what do police officers do? “They uphold the law.” How do they do that? “By enforcing the law”, “by protecting people from law breakers”, or “by fighting violence with violence”. How many people live “here”, roughly 330 million. How many law enforcers are there, about 23 million. Even if it were 1 citizen to 1 law enforcer, would there still be crime, yes. It is because crime is, by and large an opportunity behaviour, that eliminating crime, even with a 1 to 1 ratio, would mean that the law enforcer would still have to be present to stop crime. You’d need either a force multiplier or a higher ratio of law enforcer to citizen. Even then, that wouldn’t be enough.
We already see, within the law enforcement community, an “us” versus “them”, or more precisely a “law enforcement” versus “citizen”. More precisely we see “gang” elements arrmsing. Some law enforcers believe that because they have been “granted power” that they are above the “citizen”, check any videos on “amendment auditors” and you’ll see this recurring theme. They even have slogans like “back the blue”, their own religion like “the thin blue line”, and their own emblems like a black and white American-like flag where a stripe is blue.
I could beat this dead horse for hours, but I feel I’ve made my point on this issue. Similar attributes are contained within every element of “government”, doctrine, slogans, and emblems because they are nothing more then gang members.
Now going back to NHExit, you aren’t going to convince anyone to support the idea by outlining just the problem, and some people do this, and I don’t think you’re going to convince people to support it by giving them solutions either. They will always turn back to false rhetoric. The “who will protect us”, oh the police, “who will adjudicate the law”, we need lawyers and judges, “who will protect us from hostile states”, we need a strong military, and so on. Simply put, we need to expose the facts behind these ideas. Soldiers, law enforcers, judges and lawyers, all profit from their positions in their society, they all pervert the law for their own wants and needs, even the so-called “good guys” will, from time to time, commit acts of evil. They, like us, are only human.
Answering the “what about” and “who will” questions won’t convince people. You have to strike at the root of all the issues. You have the “government” you deserve because your “government” doesn’t represent you. The people occupy the positions of “government” are human beings, filled with human desires. If you allow them to rule over you, you will always get flawed situations. The answer is not to replace federal “government”, with the state “government”, or local “government”, but rather to replace it with a system of voluntary association with real consent, where the default is the violence of natural existence, or choosing to live in a society where your choices and decisions are respected, and no one holds a superior position to anyone. It’s not an utopia, it’s a hard wanted, hard earned life style change.