What are the things that can be done for Ian and Aria?

How do we help our two main political prisoners Ian Freeman and Aria DiMezzo? List the options and details here.

Where is Ian being held and what are the instructions for mailing him? Does he have a reading list? Is visitation possible and how does that work?

Aria can still presumably be contacted via the instructions at http://AriaDimezzo.com

Update: I just heard on Free Talk Live that Aria could really use some visitors… she is nearby in Ayer, MA. Let us know how to do that.

This answers some of the above questions: Writing To Caged Activist Ian Freeman At The Merrimack County Spiritual Retreat

Good morning Dave.

I have been thinking on putting together a presentation for President Biden and attempting to get it to him regarding this case. Yesterday I learned that the President appointed AUSA Seth Aframe to be a 1st Circuit Court of Appeals Judge… and this makes me feel less likely that the President would be willing to show Ian any mercy.

Any thoughts?

Thank you,
