I was basing that off $600 / month to rent a room, all expenses included (electric/heat), plus 1.5 x rent for a security deposit, plus about $500 for food and other expenses for the first month. Depending on where you are coming from it might be a bit for a plane ticket or bus. I believe I’ve found flying from major cities on the west coast runs around $300-400 round trip with a direct flight- but I’d imagine it would be less if you add in a stop or two and are only going one way. It might be $80 for a bus ticket from say NYC to Boston from a surrounding area via Mega Bus. I used to take a bus from Flemington, NJ where I lived with a one way (or maybe it was two way for $40) ticket being $20-40 to NYC and then from NYC to Boston was like $30-40. Then it would probably have been another $100 or so to get to Keene give or take (you can probably do it for less, but I usually drive so unsure exactly what it would cost, to Nashua it wasn’t much, and probably you could get someone to pick you up from that point if you moved to Keene… I was going to do that once… and I know the bus ticket was pretty darn cheap… Nashua is about an hour from Keene… Boston is about 2 hours by car)…
Note- I do not have a room to rent, but may be willing to rent an unheated, no electric, no AC, no utilities, no furniture, no bathroom, no running water shed on conditions that prohibit sleeping in it at night. And no use of the main house either.
Note: I’m joking about renting out my shed. For some reason we have this terrible terrible joke here about finding cheap housing. On a serious note there are people who rent rooms in Keene and there are also cheap places to live over in Winchester- which is about 20 minutes from Keene. There is not requirement to have car insurance in NH so one could get a clunker temporarily pretty cheap and survive (well, or not if your prone to accidents, though car insurance ain’t expensive here like some places).