VT jails one of our activists? Hearing Sept 20?

I saw on telegram that a new hampshire (I think) liberty activist named Dylan, better known as the loincloth guy…is being held without counsel in Vermont after allegedly closing and locking his car door in the presence of police. He reportedly has some sort of a hearing or something Sept 20 . Anyone know more ?

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Where on telegram

The rumor is Dylan has been assigned a public defender ( ? against his will ? unclear to me as he was previously demanding access to communicate so he could obtain a lawyer of his own choosing I think of which was being denied by the jail and of which the judge would take no action on in regard to them denying him his right to a lawyer of his choosing) and the first act of the public defender will be to submit motions to get him released. It appears the 8AM hearing was in relations to some sort of further arraignment since I did see what I believe was the first arraignment and he has already been caged for a not-insignificant amount of time.

Unfortunately I did not catch any word on a link or recording of the hearing even though it was my understanding that it would be visible via some sort of video feed or maybe video conference system. Hopefully somebody close to him recorded it and we’ll be able to see how the hearing went and get more detail of the bullshit proceedings.

This is what I posted on Telegram:

My friend Dylan Gingues was a leader in Grafton as an activist and really great person, and has been arrested in Vermont where he now lives for resisting arrest and trivial reasons. I am shocked.to see how blatantly absurd they are treating him, not giving him due process. Check out the video of his arraignment. https://youtu.be/e6aZEN8vNio
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Updates are on the YouTube page.

The state has been very unreasonable with Dylan in the way they were denying him council, making a plea for him, and setting unreasonable bail conditions.

“Was” ?
since you died, taking all your cognitive dissonance to the grave,
Dylan is still one of the better leaders of the Free Grafton movement despite his lack of permanent presence in the political jurisdiction there.

??? who died ???


what happened? Who is she …or was she?