Hi all free peeps! I have been observing your site for about a week now and am absolutely impressed with I have been seeing.
My name is Craig and I wanted to also introduce myself to you all. I cannot tell you exactly how I came across your site because I visit so many places on the net and follow so many links, I forget where I started!
For some time now, I have been looking for like minded people to just talk to about the very subjects that you advocate however, all I had been finding were forums or sites that are either too pacifist or just down right racist and violent! That is not who I am.
I would like to proudly state that your site is the only one that I have actually chosen to pursue (or even post anything on) because of the unique (and very necessary) approach that you use to achieve a COMMON GOAL. I would also like to state that the tipping point for me actually came in two phases.
The first phase was the introduction to "Sovereign Curtis". The reasons he gave about why he chose to just stop thinking about it and actually do it, are great deal like my own. I too have always found myself surrounded by people whom either cannot, or will not see things for what they are.
The second phase was today when I saw the story about the lady who had been invited to pick up a friend at the jail, by the jail, and then being arrested for being there! That is utter BS! That was enough for me, so here I am.
I have done some research on your movement there in keene and other parts of your state and was very impressed by yours. New Hampshire is a beautiful state from what I can tell and would very much love to become involved in your cause and efforts.
Please feel free to contact me here with any further info you feel may be necessary for me to have , and I will reply promptly.
Thank you for what you all are attempting (and apparently achieveing) and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
no one out here's either racist or violent, but many are pacifists. just in case that label throws you off, still.
Where are you from?
Hello, when will you be moving?
Hey, sorry it took so long to respond to you, the weather here in Kentucky has been very bad and I just now got the ability to log on.
I am currently (as stated above) in Louisville, KY and am seriously considering just throwing in the towel and heading up there. I found curtis's post to be inspirational in that aspect.
For the past seven years or so I have been in Houston, TX raising my daughter and just recently moved back to the Louisville, KY area. I have recently started to realize that no matter where I am in the country, the general attitude of apathy and acceptance for the way things are is astonishing and though many people "bitch" about the "system", very few have the Kahoonee's to actually do something about it.
I think that pacifist was probably the wrong choice of word to use in my original post considering your response, but I hope you understood my intention. I agree with your cause and methods of achieveing your goals and am very interested helping you (US) attain them.
Hit me back when you can, I will check back periodically and responde accordingly.
Craig ;D
'sup Craig. See you in NH.
Whats up my freedom peeeeples! I would first like to say Thank you to Praetgeist! for being real! I admire the fact that you are making any future refugees that pour into your city (or state) know what they are up against potentially, and for showing your advanced concern for my daughter, and myself.
That to me is called "character" laced with with integrity, and that is exactly what I as a person, am looking to associate myself with. This is so little of it left in the world.
As I posted back to you in the other forum, I appreciate the fact that you are being real about it, real is what it will take to accomplish what you all are trying to achieve!
I am under no illusion that this will be an easy endeavor, then again though, nothing worth having and keeping usually never is. I look forward to hearing more from all of you.
Thanks again
Dude2…Aka, Craig