Hello All,
This is Carl, 31, from Cleveland. I have been a libertarian for about nine years, and more recently have come to the conclusion that governments are immoral, inept, and incredibly dangerous. My journey began when I studied economics in college. I saw the incredible inefficiencies of the state for the first time and couldn’t believe people could let these things happen. I went from being apolitical to being a Republican (I didn’t know I had anymore choices than this). A couple of years later a professor of mine encouraged me to go a seminar in DC put on by the Institute For Humane Studies (IHS). They’re the guys that put out those Learn Liberty videos on YouTube. After hearing the economists, philosophers, and authors at this seminar I was convinced that liberty was the way to go.
As of now, I am a search engine result evaluater. I work online as an independent contractor. I want to move to Keene and soon if it’s possible. I want to be apart of the liberty movement and I want to make a difference. I heard about the Shire Society on Free Talk Live. Hopefully, you guys will have suggestions for me on finding liberty-friendly housing in Keene. Thanks so much and hope to see you soon!