The fall of nations

Something I heard at the end of a video, “Lost Civilizatons” episode 3,
“The Maya - the blood of Kings” (a Time-Life video).

“The Maya – They rose stone by stone out of the jungle, self-made,
and self-contained, unique and wholly original in all the world. But
ultimately the great dynasties and the great achievements of the
Maya kings and queens, all their formidable powers, were built upon
the faith of the people. And when crops failed or enemies prevailed,
the people no longer believed, and when the people lost faith, the
rulers lost power. And when that power vanished, the Maya
abandoned their great cities, and the jungle reclaimed its stone.”

Restated for today, and this group.

“America - It rose stone by stone out of the wilderness, self-made,
and self-contained, unique and wholly original in all the world. But
ultimately the great leaders and the great achievements of the
American government, all their formidable powers, were built
upon the faith of the people. When the crops faltered or enemies
prevailed, the people no longer believed, and when the people
lost faith, the rulers lost power. And when that power vanished,
Americans abandoned their great institutions, and the wilderness
reclaimed its stone.”

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Take-away: Civilizations built upon faith in leaders and their power are doomed to eventual failure and collapse. Instead of focusing on the idea of greatness, as embodied in some mighty collective – the Maya or America or whatever – better that people focus on living good lives, respecting the rights of others, cultivating self-reliance, building together for a better future.

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Starchild, you have just defined Anarchism.
I’ve been downloading copies of “Anarchy” from Internet Archive.
It’s subtitled “A Journal of Desire Armed”
Across the top of the front cover is usually printed
“Towards a Society based on Mutual Aid, Voluntary Cooperation
& the Liberation of Desire”