Telegram Messaging

Now that I’ve met a few people on the forum, I wanted to have individual discussions and get to know a few people a bit more. You know, like private messaging but faster. Plus who doesn’t love button smashing on chats? Am I right? Lol

Post your telegram username here if you want to do the same. And remember kids be careful who you meet on the interwebs!

Also, I was thinking for live shows, we can have discussion live on he chat. Let me know if that’s a good idea and we can create a Ftl group message lol

Telegram: Lady4Liberty

Mike Lorrey

BTW: Telegram insists on you knowing a persons phone number on their account to connect.

No it doesn’t…

Odd, I tried to add you and it insists that I must know your phone number.

Never mind, I figured it out

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I’m @LibertyPenguin on Telegram

Telegram is the major tool for chat in the Keene are of NH. Seacoast uses Wire, I think. Telegram kicks Signal’s ass for convenience. I can’t even search in Signal desktop and the group chats are god-awful. It’s only good one-to-one.


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why not set up a discord server? or a mumble server? both of these can be private, and i think mumble can be encrypted (not sure though).
a dj friend actually dislikes discord , saying it’s not true duplex, and the bitrate was terrible. he much prefers mumble, and i have to concur.

IRC can be encrypted (via ssl) and the current channel is on i think; and yes the link is non clickable.

discord is closed source i think , mumble is open source software. irc is open source as well , and nearly as old as the internet

Telegram is really awesome, lots of crypto people using it.

How do you not the telegram groups? I’m on the ftl server on discord and it’s dead there

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Why is there no private messenger on this forum? Most other boards I tend to frequent all have some sort of inter-site webmail or messenger service.

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If you click the username of the person you want to dm, you should get their profile info, and there should be a “message” button.

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so there is… thank you.

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Is there an FTL telegram chatroom? I am only finding the FTL channel, but you can’t chat apparently.

You could make one

I made one. Anyone should be able to join!

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@Todd, I made a subdomain for it:

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