I could not help but to think of Bitcoin when I saw this in the
criminal code of North Carolina.
“G.S. 14-15 Page 1
§ 14-15. Issuing substitutes for money without authority.
If any person or corporation, unless the same be expressly allowed by law, shall issue any
bill, due bill, order, ticket, certificate of deposit, promissory note or obligation, or any other
kind of security, whatever may be its form or name, with the intent that the same shall circulate
or pass as the representative of, or as a substitute for, money, he shall be guilty of a Class 3
misdemeanor and only punishable by a fine not to exceed the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00); and
if the offender be a corporation, it shall in addition forfeit its charter. Every person or
corporation offending against this section, or aiding or assisting therein, shall be guilty of a
Class 3 misdemeanor and only punishable by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00). (R.C.,
c. 36, s. 5; Code, s. 2493; 1895, c. 127; Rev., s. 3711; C.S., s. 4183; 1993, c. 539, s. 13; 1994,
Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)”