Sorry, I misunderstood "Introduce yourself format" . . . Re-do, here we go!

My name is Dave, I recently finished my contract with the military and got out. I no longer felt I was doing any service to "The People", nor do I believe in the wars. The past Year has been difficult since I have been in limbo waiting to get out. Furthermore we are told and made to believe we are "The land of the free", at one time this may have been close to accurate. Now it is simply not the case, and as every day passes more laws representing corporate interests are passed without regard to the people. It is yet an even greater surprise to me that most Americans are willing to trade their freedom for safety, and expect to actually get either this way. Turns out, there are some people actually doing something about it, in New Hampshire . . . .  I found the Free State Project, then went to Porcfest. I was in Keene about a week ago, and saw the KAC (You all rock!). This high concentration of people in one spot standing united to affect Liberty, its quite amazing. I want to help, in addition I want to begin making some films of my own. 
I am going into Keene Tomorrow in the search of work and housing, any insight would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks  Dave


Hope you  have a nice visit. Sorry I can't be there to welcome you and give a tour.