SomaliaFest/Porcfest Hardship Funding

So I have been talking with a guy in Sierra Leone who is wanting to come to PorcFest but, unsurprisingly, doesn’t have the funds to do so. With the outreach that FTL does and other community organizations I am wondering if anyone has ever done a hardship fund/scholarship fund to help internationalize SF/PF/etc and, if so, who organizes it?

I don’t know of such a thing. I know @James_D has helped with this sort of thing personally in the past.

Well, I hope they’re not anti-vax.


Does he have a visa or whatever to get here?

Mustapha Cole? I was trying to get him to PorcFest like 3 years ago, when FTL was still welcome. He couldn’t get a visa then because they didn’t think he would go back to Sierra Leon. He seems to really want to come, but he lacks money and ability.

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I wouldn’t go back to Sierra Leone.

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Where in lies the problem. Young, unmarried male wants to go to the US to sell backpacks and drum up money for his local libertarian group. The number one source of illegal aliens is over stayed visas.

I’d say the number one source of illegal aliens is the law making immigration without permission illegal. :slight_smile:

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Let me go check my email… There’s this Nigerian Prince with some serious money to throw around.


That’s the guy. Typical reason for the visa denial…

If we’re going for funding an African friend to join us, anyone else follow the travels of Bitcoin advocate Africanus Kofi?