Social characteristics of New Hampshire, comparisons to other states

States that have a life expectancy of 79 years or more:
80.7 Hawaii (interesting: highest happiness score too.)
79.2 Washington
79.1 Minnesota
79.0 California
79.0 Massachusetts
79.0 New Hampshire

States with life expectancy less than 74 years:
73.8 Arkansas
73.8 Tennessee
73.5 Kentucky
73.2 Alabama
73.1 Louisiana
72.8 West Virginia
71.9 Mississippi

There have been discussions elsewhere about teens and sex. I believe that it was found that Iceland had the lowest average age of first sexual experience.
Below I look at teen pregnancy in the states. Several quotes from the cited link lend some perspective to the question.
“Research(Teen Birth Rates Higher in Highly Religious States | Live Science) suggests that “U.S states whose residents have more conservative religious beliefs on average tend to have higher rates of teenagers giving birth.” Of the ten most conservatively religious states in the United States, eight are among the states with the highest teen birth rates.”
“Teen birth rates are measured as the number of births per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 19.”
Birth rates for girls under the age of 15 are not considered, though I suspect that the number would be very low.

States with teen pregnancy (only births) rates above 24 per 1,000 wine between 15 and 19 are:
27.9 Mississippi
27.8 Arkansas
25.7 Louisiana
25.0 Oklahoma
24.8 Alabama

States with teen pregnancy (births only) rates below 10 are:
9.4 Rhode Island
9.2 New Jersey
9.1 Minnesota
7.6 Connecticut
7.0 Vermont
6.6 New Hampshire
6.1 Massachusetts

Above I posted some economic stats, now I would like to suggest levels of poverty in the states. Household income and cost of living are some indicators, but what percentage of the population is actually below the poverty line? Link used data from the 2020 census.

States with more than 16% of persons below the poverty line are:
20.4% Massachusetts
19.6% Louisiana
19.4% Mississippi
18.4% New Mexico
16.8% District of Columbia
16.5% Kentucky
16.3% Arkansas
16.1% Alabama

States with less than 10% of persons below the poverty line are:
9.9% Washington
9.7% Colorado
9.3% Minnesota
8.6% Utah
7.2% Hampshire

The US overall is at 12.3%

The internet has huge social implications for the US.
It might surprise you that as far as average internet speed goes, California comes in dead last, at 93.0 Mbps

States with average internet speeds above 400 Mbps are:
506.7 Maryland
505.6 Virginia
473.8 District of Columbia
469.7 Delaware
451.7 Washington
433.3 Rhode Island
430.8 Pennsylvania
427.8 New Jersey
425.8 Texas
414.9 Georgia
409.2 Vermont
401.2 Massachusetts

New Hampshire comes in at position 27 with 317.9 Mbps

States with an average internet speed below 250 Mbps are
244.3 North Dakota
230.4 Arkansas
226.0 Idaho
221.4 Hawaii
205.2 Wyoming
203.2 Maine
193.9 Iowa
191.7 South Dakota
110.5 Montana
93.0 California

However, as an update on the future, see