hello everyone! My name is Carlos Beltran. Some of you may remember me from my days as a liberty troll during the Ron Paul Campaigns. I am about to hit 40. No Kids, no specific ties anywhere. I am a state certified Firefighter and HAZMAT operator as well as various wildland and high country certs.
I am here because I am a voluntaryist. I have been since around 2009. I was part of various meetup groups in AZ back in 2007 making signs for Dr. Paul after watching America:Freedom to Fascism. I learned and learned and eventually came to the logical conclusion that taxtation was violence and theft. I signed the Free State project pledge in 2005 or so. I was very excited to move and life happened. Now, later in life I feel it is time to see the area and start the planning process. I am looking forward to getting to know you all.
I found these forums through FREE KEENE DOT COOOOM. I had to do it in Ridley’s voice. lol.