It should be quite evident that the constitution is all but shredded. So what’s the answer, IMHO it’s not violence towards our government, it’s disconnecting from its grip. How you say, by working with our communities to create alternatives, such as currency, (not digital) but hard assets, create a bartering network. Creating a communication network outside of the digital world, i.e. face to face contact with your neighbors. Create a community garden to help feed the poor. Remove all law enforcement and work with friends and neighbors to inform those who would cause harm and discourse that they are not welcome here.
Unplug from the system, boycott all corporate influences, return to mom-and-pop brick and mortar stores. Become less consumer/takers and more givers/leavers (learn from some native tribes who practiced decisions making with thinking about how those decisions would affect 7 generations out). Learn to live without all the bells and whistles of so called modern society. Eat only what can be had locally, read . Get rid of trinket manufacturing and only produce what is needed.
Ditch the cancer causing tracking devices i.e. cell phones, for that mater ditch all technologies, they only serve to alienate and manipulate us.
Promote the local library and teach the future generations to read a book.
Promote a healthy community not just in food consumption but mental health as well.
And what I consider the most important thing to promote is:
Treat everyone the way you want to be treated and the zero aggression principal. If we care for others the way we want to be cared and treated for and not be aggressive in any dealings with others, there would be less if not any, hunger, poverty, homelessness or possible even crime in such communities.
A bunch of random thoughts…
One last thought for today, there should be no and I mean no elected officials running these communities. The system that I believe would work best is more like jury duty, people from the community would be called open to run things/make decision best for all, and for a given amount of time, nothing long term (and compensated in a way that would be affordable to take time off from other forms of income.) There would also be an option for refusing to take part in this process, no mandatory service just voluntary.