Shire Society. Gathering Dissidents Together. Good Strategy or Doomed For Failure?

Fortunately it doesn’t take much to study the system in order to see clearly the strategy of the controllers.
Many of you are rightfully pissed, because you’re awake enough to see control being implemented into your lives more and more. That’s right,it’s the “slow boil”.
Slow enough to get you acclimated without causing any ruckus. At least not a Revolutionary ruckus. But sure enough to see the end goal, IF you are truly awake. The end goal is brought to us by EVIL and TECHNOLOGY.
Evil is control of the people and of nature. It can’t happen without technology.
Freedom is not (and never was) about playing within the system. You are a fool if you think it is. A mislead fool,but also a fool that can possibly see the truth.
When you finally realize that the system is too powerful to be adjusted to accept any meaningful gains for freedom, you will also realize that gathering together in major numbers in close proximity has only one sure outcome: MORE EFFICIENT ELIMINATION OF DISSIDENTS. The controllers and their big “computer” know what we’re thinking and they know their game of control may be threatened if people wake up COMPLETELY and attack their “life support”.
You see, we were given something that enables us to beat evil. Know what it is ?
It’s the ability to live and thrive on this planet WITHOUT TECHNOLOGY. Our benefit in this scenario is that THEY CAN’T CONTROL US WITHOUT TECHNOLOGY.
Political dissidents are among the most likely to wake up. I know there’s plenty of good folks here in “NH”.
A few pieces of advice for the good people that want to be free: 1) Spread out. Band with only a few. 2) Know that it isn’t “government” that is controlling you, it is the system. 3) The only way for the system to control you,or your kids, COMPLETELY, is with the continuation and advancement of technology.
Fighting the “government” is wasted energy. Destroy what feeds them,what empowers them. Be a monkey wrench in the cogs instead. Hat’s off to the monkey wrenches.

Every day you write this (or similar). Sometimes several times a day. And yet, you’re apparently incapable of even doing it yourself.

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Here’s a couple of observations of "Aahz"
Not one good idea in his time on this forum on how to promote freedom and how to counter the controllers.
A hypocrite: Claims to be an “Independent” “Anarchist” yet lives in Manchester and supports some Libertarian party views.
Uses arguments and verbiage consistent with the style used by prosecutors.
Argues valid points brought to light against the system. Almost as if it was his job to do so.
Obvious enough in his antics to portray himself as a disgrace to his fellow lizard community.

When have you ever brought up a “valid” point?

All I ask of you is that you be consistent with your stated views:
You claim to hate technology, yet use it constantly.
You claim the only way to be independent is to be off grid, but refuse to go.
You claim to want revolution, but refuse to act.

PLEASE lead by example, Samm! Show us the way!


Good morning Aahz,
I’m phazing out of tech & enjoy practicing this pleasurable lifestyle. This damn computer will be the last to go. (letting go of chainsaw will be harder if the need arises). Not only am I consistent in my views, I will continue to be persistent as well.
Off grid is great part time. Full time will be better.
Many political dissidents in the state. I genuinely care for these people because they want freedom. Part of my reason for being here is to help point out that it’s not just this thing called “government” that is taking that freedom away. The scientists and technophiles are proving to be our biggest problem. Hopefully most dissidents will choose their battles correctly so their kids aren’t completely enslaved.
Dissidents make good Luddites,just like ex-prosecutors make good liberty forum trolls.

checked out the website on your profile … cool stuff

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OK. Sure. 3 step approach.

  1. Become as INDEPENDENT as possible: Skills: Gardening,Farming,Hunting,Foraging,Carpentry,Marksmanship,Fitness, (Water,Food,Shelter,Heat, etc…)
    Basically,be ready when the system stops.
  2. Know that the top scientists and technophiles are a bigger threat to our well being than the “government”. The controllers are nothing without their little helpers. Your “gov’t” will no longer be a threat without them. Especially with how the majority feels about “gov’t” now.
  3. When the system stops,kick it while it’s down.

Blah, blah, blah. That’s just more blathering on.

I asked you the SHOW us the way, Samm, not tell us more of your fantasies.

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well at least you’re talking about NH. Someone on the free state project forums around 2003 warned us that “These men bunched,” and he was referring to a tombstone they used to display at a military training facility.

Yes, if we were all in the same neighborhood or maybe the same town… that would be bunching up tactically and questionable tactically. But concentrating strategically is not so questionable. Bunching 4000 people or so into an area the size of a state , as we have done, isn’t very tight bunching. And a majority of the participants will probably always be outside the state with plans to be here later.