September update

The NHIpac is losing its Treasurer in January.

We are looking for volunteers so that Conner can train the person in the NH SofS paperwork.


International Summit on Self-Determination 3 hours:


NH stands out in the Northeast



Yankee Confederates: New England Secession Movements Prior to the War Between the States


Monday night meeting turns into 1 hour of fun NHexit and FLexit talk


America Can’t Afford Global Hegemony


Sept 28th

International Summit On Self-Determination (by Calexit LLC)



Issues involved in leaving the US including renouncing US Citizenship


The 1607 Project and the New England vs Virginia version of American history


Our legal team feels confident that we are fully in compliance with the US’s FARA

But we might want to contact @NH_DOJ regarding Foreign Influence in our NH elections.


Keith Bessette posted on FB:

In the linked article Frank Staples points out NH has never ceded property to the federal government under the legal process defined by NH legislation, therefore NH can assert states rights and claim back taxes on all federal claimed and occupied property in NH.

“Additionally, pursuing back taxes and interest from the federal government will not only assert our legal rights but also provide a significant financial boost to our state.”

  • Frank Staples

History indicates it is unlikely the NH Governor, legislature, or state courts asserting legal rights will provide any significant funding to NH as back taxes and fees for land use. IMO the federal government will ignore NH “asserting”, including having federal judges issue options in federal cases that NH can’t legally do it.

SCOTUS will simply invent a new (albeit false) interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, or cite a majority opinion of a previous Court. If the political environment at the time prefers the Court objecting to NH “asserting”, the major of the nine politically connected lawyers who wear bathrobes to work will go with the politics.

NH cannot be allowed to assert its lawful authority by the federal government. Allowing that would destroy two centuries of steady and relentless growth of federal power and usurpation of state sovereignty.

Without the threat of independence on the table, hanging over the heads of DC elites in power, I don’t see how NH can go as far as Frank Staples proposes.

But hey, try it! Assert state sovereignty. I’m 100% in favor. Frank’s plan is awesome and I’d love to see it implemented. I just have little hope for success based on all US history since at least 1861 and King Lincoln’s tyrannical reign. It’s more likely to provide only small gains in a few areas IMHO, not anything that can be legitimately called state sovereignty.

“Stop taking about constitutions.”

  • Ian Underwood

Without the threat of and plan in place for potential secession to back up a US state asserting its lawful authority as a member of the Union, the assertion will fall on deaf ears in Washington DC. The Feds don’t give a shit. Negus Staples for Governor of New Hampshire


August 23rd episode of the Part of the Problem podcast

Q: “What is the most effective strategy for libertarians to influence policy in a political landscape dominated by two major parties?”

A1: Running the gayist guy you have”.

  • Robbie The Fire

A2: There is no one most effective strategy. There is the LP trying to pressure Trump into taking more libertarian positions, my strategy of telling the truth in front of the biggest audiences I can, the Free State Project’s geographic concentration strategy, and pulling your kids out of government schools.

  • Dave Smith

(Summary of Dave’s answer providing his thoughts on four most effective strategies)

From Q&A section at end of the August 23 episode of Part Of The Problem

While not all Free Staters support secession, the geographic concentration strategy will never ube fully effective without NH ending its delegation of authority to the biggest empire in the history of Earth. Secession is a necessary step to living in liberty.

All history of these United States indicates NH will never be a truly free state without leaving the union. Decentralization is key - without a national divorce “The Free State” will always remain just a description of the least tyrannical state under the thumb of the Empire, a slogan, and a goal.

The Free State can never be better than just the freest oppressive US state in practice without leaving the Union.


New Hampshire’s Major Trade Partners

The following list shows the top 10 customers that purchased nearly three-quarters (72.6%) worth of the total value of products exported from New Hampshire during 2023.

Canada: US$1.43 billion (18.8% of New Hampshire’s exports)

Germany: $1.3 billion (16.9%)

Mexico: $698.7 million (9.1%)

United Arab Emirates: $356 million (4.7%)

mainland China: $348.8 million (4.6%)

Netherlands: $338.4 million (4.4%)

Japan: $313.6 million (4.1%)

Poland: $310 million (4.1%)

Italy: $268.1 million (3.5%)

United Kingdom: $189.8 million (2.5%)

New Hampshire’s top trade partners in North America (Canada and Mexico) bought 27.9% of the state’s overall export sales.

That percentage lags the 31.4% share for major purchasers from Europe (Germany, Ireland, Poland, Italy and the United Kingdom).


New Hampshire challenges Massachusetts gun law that led to charges against 2 Granite Staters

Good work from State Reps. Jason Gerhard, Matthew Coulon, Tom Mannion, Nikki McCarter, Diane Kelley, and Leah Cushman, …. and Kang “Bear Arms” Lu, Dave Ridley, and others.


Are these united States bound by a compact with each other …. Or are they subservient to the Federal Government?


Talk on Self-Determination by Mises scholar Ryan McMaken:


Will Australia want out of the US Empire?

Something quite extraordinary is happening in Australia.

Over the past few weeks, many key authoritative figures - former PMs, top strategists, etc. - came out against AUKUS and US imperialism, in favor of Australian independence.

Australia in the US Empire: A Study in Political Realism


What are the actual steps to a successful revolution of society?

Murray Rothbard

“Most people, when they hear the world “revolution,” think immediately and only of direct acts of physical confrontation with the State: raising barricades in the streets, battling a cop, storming the Bastille or other government buildings. But this is only one small part of revolution. Revolution is a mighty, complex, long-run process, a complicated movement with many vital parts and functions. It is the pamphleteer writing in his study, it is the journalist, the political club, the agitator, the organizer, the campus activist, the theoretician, the philanthropist. It is all this and much more. Each person and group has its part to play in this great complex movement.”


Does your state have too many communists and not enough mountains and streams?

Then escape to NH and join the #NHexit


Little NH themed music video


NH currently has no minimum wage outside Fed interference


States: List of U.S. states and territories by GDP - Wikipedia

Countries: List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia

Per Capita Personal Income by State: 2023, Release Tables: Per Capita Personal Income by State, Annual | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Income per capita: List of U.S. states and territories by income - Wikipedia

Gross National Income per capita: List of countries by GNI (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia

Disposable Income per capita by country: Disposable household and per capita income - Wikipedia

Disposable income by state: Per capita disposable personal income by state U.S. 2023 | Statista

Average Wage by country: List of countries by average wage - Wikipedia

Mean Wage by state: List of U.S. states and territories by median wage and mean wage - Wikipedia


GDP is not a good way to measure the health of an economy:


2021 analysis by us: