I’m thinking about trying it out.
$65 for 90 mins in Portland, Maine.
I’m thinking about trying it out.
$65 for 90 mins in Portland, Maine.
I worry about how much body juice is in one of those public things, since they don’t change the water because of the hundreds of pounds of epsom salt that is dissolved in it.
Yeah, it is a little gross. Nothing stopping you from taking a leak in there. I keep saying I am gunna leave a pile of pubic hair.
They use ozone and UV light so everything is dead, and filter to one micron, but still…there is only 30 mins between float sessions, and the things are booked all day.
These beautifully designed float systems feature state of the art filtration technology, filtering the water through three different systems down to one micron, the same purity required of drinking water. This is accomplished through the use of a carbon filter, UV light, and Ozone Infusion. The water in the pod completes this cycle three times between each session.
NH Float
Drew Kane
1B Commons Drive
Londonderry, NH 03053
A porcupine gave me that card. I haven’t tried them yet. I think it was $60/hr.
They only have one room and one tank, but they are fully booked until March 7. They’ll be expanding. One of the pods I was looking at cost $27k.
I don’t feel so bad for charging $50 for an 1/8th oz of weed after seeing float prices.
I tried it a few days ago. The place is kinda weird. They have you take your shoes off when you enter. I think I could sell weed to everyone in there.
Earplugs were a little annoying. It was kind of like a dark warm waterbed.
They do more business in the winter. They said summer months are kinda slow.
I learned about these around the year 2000. Finally went with @Soundwave years later in Boston. It was fine, but I didn’t trip due to having no sensory input or anything.
Thankfully nothing like this happened either: