Seeking pictures of people in Free Talk Live Merchandise

Remember when I used to actually sell free talk live gear?

Yeah, well I am looking for pictures of people wearing it. Got any you’d be willing to submit to me?

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That was so long ago I wore mine out.

Wow I was literally going to ask what happened to the gear. I wanted to model some :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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somebody get this lady some gear to model


I still have my FTL hoodie…I’ll have to look through my photos and see if I have any wearing it. If not I’ll try to get some current pics.


Does anyone have templates? I want to go to the mall and make me a hoodie or a beenie!

If you are an FTL amplifier, an announcement is coming very shortly. These products are again available for purchase, I’ve built a new site. I’ll be announcing it publicly soon, but I do want to test it a little with the AMPlifiers first.

I am also selling some new stuff. I will be expanding a lot.

PM me if you want to help me beta test it and place an order.