Searching for the best crypto POS app for merchants in real life

The search for the best app continues. I just emailed this to


Me and several other local area bitcoiners in Keene, NH have successfully used the Bitpay company’s merchant POS app to bring several local mom-n-pop businesses onboard with accepting bitcoin.

Unfortunately, as you know, the fees are out of control now and we have been searching for a company with a POS app that is competitive with Bitpay that might consider expanding options to allow brick-and-mortar businesses to accept crypto BEYOND just bitcoin. Bitpay has no such plans.

Does Blockchain? Or are you guys BTC-only-forever too?

It would be nice to have some options. There are barely any competitors to Bitpay’s app, and yours is one of the few that works, is easy, and still exists.

Thanks for your time and consideration,
Ian Freeman
Keene Bitcoin Network

Coingate looked promising with shapeshift support for altcoins, but when registering:

“We have detected that you are currently located in the United States of America. Please note, that for regulatory reasons, you can not use our services if your company is located or registered in the United States of America.”

To Coingate’s credit, they let me pick a country on the error screen, so I chose Ecuador just to see what their webapp looks like:

Works with instant notice of payment, so that is good. Also shapeshift.

Coingate’s app copies the Bitpay app pretty well and is super easy to get started. However, setup will scare off most business owners with the message about not being able to use them in the US.

Their back end looks nice too:

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Just finished going through all the smartphone/tablet options here:,_for_small_businesses wrote back. They are no longer developing the Merchant app and have no plans to expand to include altcoins.

Coinify is competitive with bitpay, but not as pretty and bitcoin-only. will not accept US businesses.

Cryptonator has promise, but no apparent app for merchant POS.