Riot - chat, decentralized, end-to-end encryption

Real-time chat, though signal-to-noise is a bit lower.

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I like Riot, but I don’t mind it being a pain in the butt with security checks. Most people probably won’t tolerate it. I know that’s why @LibertyPenguin bailed on it.

I think the #porcchat is set to low security though, so it’s not as much of a pain as

Penguin still uses it. Him and Ben are always calling each other names. (Or maybe that’s a one-way street.)

If I saw that chat as a potential mover, I’d reconsider my future plans. What a depressing cesspool.


there was a chat room, maybe crypto-chat, where every damn message that came through had a notice that it could only be viewed by people who had shared keys with the sender - and I only knew a couple of people in the group… it was literally notifications of messages I couldn’t read