Might as well contribute to this poor lacking forum.
Rindge’s finest boot-licking pigs have their hands full. Last I knew there are some real young boot-lickers on this “force”. Once little tattle-talers, now pigs. That’s the way it goes. Probably looking to arrest their former classmates this Halloween. My hat’s off to the budding Anarchists. FUCK THE POLICE. https://www.ledgertranscript.com/Rindge-common-vandalized-21035133
A crew from the town’s Department of Public Works cleaned up the mess from the vandalism on Monday. Anair said police also had to clean syrup off both cruisers. “This is taking the DPW and Rindge police away from what we should be doing,” Anair said. “This is going to take some time to clean up.”
What should they be doing in Rindge ? Eating doughnuts ?
Buford T justice (“Chief” Daniel Anair):
“This is taking the DPW and Rindge police away from what we should be doing, robbing motorists on the public ways.”
I remember as a teen who the most obedient ones were. Sure as shit, they become pigs. These are the most un-thinking pussies out there. Rindge has some young ones. They won’t ever know that keeping society in “order” is the worst thing they can do. Pathetic little order-followers. Nothing more.
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aren’t maple covered donuts a thing?
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