Rich Paul's Triumphant Return to the 420 Rally He Created

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In 2010, Rich Paul founded the yearly mass civil disobedience event on April 20th in front of the state house steps in Concord where cannabis users come to toke up in full public view. After taking a year off from activism in New Hampshire, he has returned to retake his role as the emcee of…

Anybody who protests against the “government” and believes their rights to do so come from a piece of parchment written on by some folks many years ago (guy screams “1st amendment” rights !) is a fool. Constitution, amendments don’t mean shit if you really want freedom. Real resistance ain’t happenin’ when yer super stoned either dudes. The government you hate WANTS you to be stoned. They want you to be passive too. They’re very happy that many of you here consider this against the grain.