Contact Committee: Victory Rejecting DHHS Grants At Risk
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RebuildNH Chairman
Tue 10/19/2021 9:02 AM
Fiscal Committee Could Put Our Victory Rejecting DHHS Grants At Risk
While we’re still excited over our victory defeating the $27 million in federal funds at the Executive Council meeting on Wednesday, Gov. Sununu has already pledged to find another way to ram these contracts through. For more information about why we are opposing the $27 million, please view our op-ed on the topic.
We know from experience that State Commissioners will continue to submit their grant requests using different language repeatedly until they can sneak the contracts through when the people aren’t looking. The $27 million in contracts is still on the agenda with the Fiscal Committee, and they can bring it off the table at any time. If they were able to pass the measure, the Executive Council could easily take up the contracts again. Given that the upcoming Fiscal Committee meeting does not allow for any public input, we believe the best way to fight this battle is to flood Fiscal Committee members’ email boxes like we’ve done in the past.
Please either sign our petition, which we will submit to the Fiscal Committee before their meeting, or send an email to the Fiscal Committee directly by Thursday this week.
Our email-all link doesn’t work for some ReopenNH activists, but works for others. If this link to email the committee doesn’t work for you, please copy and paste the below emails into your “To” field manually and craft your message to the committee:,,,,,,,,,
If you’d like an example email to help you craft language, please see our Telegram post.
Here’s What To Do About…
The Dangerous COVID Evolution
Numerous doctors have commented throughout the COVID-19 situation that it is dangerous to mass vaccinate in the midst of a pandemic. We have grave concerns that the COVID-19 virus will continue to spread and become increasingly more dangerous as a direct result of the leaky vaccine and mass vaccination policies. Because the vaccine does not wipe out the virus but merely minimizes its symptoms, this puts selective pressure on the virus to become increasingly more virulent, harming more people. This article published in American Thinker has more details about the problems we’re highlighting.
Last week, Dr. David Hartsuch, an emergency department physician and former Iowa state senator who recently opened his own clinic, discussed alternative Covid-19 treatments with our team so that we could share these effective treatment methods with you and potentially help you avoid the hospital. Dr. Hartsuch has extensive experience successfully treating Covid-19, and we thought you might like to know what alternative treatments are available.
Please be advised that Rebuild NH does not endorse all of the views of Dr. Hartsuch. Medical licensing boards, under threat of loss of licensure, require doctors to publicly present certain information, and this presentation reflects that requirement, particularly in regards to vaccination. You are always advised to consult with your doctor and your own conscience.
View Dr. Hartsuch’s Powerpoint Presentation.
View Dr. Hartsuch’s Video Webinar Recording.
We think it’s time for Commissioner Shibinette to answer some questions
We find it fascinating that the Media is focused on checking the assumptions of activists who are questioning the status quo, when in fact they ought to be “comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable,” so to speak, which is what they were all trained to do in journalist school. Why are they taking DHHS officials at their word and not looking at all the gaping holes in their arguments?
Because they are having trouble doing their jobs, we came up with a list of questions that we believe they should be asking DHHS Commissioner Lori Shibinette, and by extension, Gov. Sununu who appointed her. Please take a look at our latest op-ed, which lists these questions, and help us get them answered. You are welcome to repost, copy, or email one or two of these questions to Lori Shibinette yourselves to help us get started.
We’ve added another question that we’d like you all to send along to the Commissioner. Please ask:
Is it possible that DHHS is improperly categorizing COVID-19 deaths considering that a CDC public statement as well as subsequent morbidity reports note that people are considered unvaccinated until 14 days after their second Pfizer or Moderna vaccine dose or 14 days after one dose of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine?
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