Regional Cannabis Moisture Preference

Any idea how dry you like your cannabis flower?

Apparently there are regional differences. Boveda has these numbers for humidity preference of producers.

WA & OR = 58+
LA = 60
SF (Bay Area) = 58
CO = 50
AZ = 60

My preference is around 55% or less.

Most people in the northeast seem to like it on the moist side, so I have been using 62% Boveda packs for storage. I’m probably going to drop down to the 58% packs.

I find it gets a bit dry here in Colorado, without control. Of course, there’s a huge up side for growing and curing. I don’t worry much about mold. In fact, I have to run humidifiers for the ideal humidity, most of the time, and never have to run a de-humidifier.

Back on topic, though, I find it gets a bit “crumbly,” in storage, without any humidity control. Maybe I over-cure, but I do it slowly.

I guess I should try the product sometime. I guess the ambient humidity indoors naturally runs in the 30’s, often lower.

I typically hang dry to around 50-55%, then bring water content back up with the Boveda packs.

I have recently been using Bluetooth humidity sensors. It is a reference design, so all the code for the firmware and app are on GitHub.

They even transmit through cvault containers.

Here is a graph of the process. The first part is the sensor in the container with just the 62% Boveda pack. The second part where humidity drops is when I add the dry cannabis flower, and it starts to rehydrate.

Wow! I hang dry gradually down to ambient (say, 30%) then put them into a rig of large mason jars with a fish pump on a timer, I use hoses to join the tops of the jars, and acrylic straws to push the air all the way down to the bottom. I don’t recall how often I ran the timer pumps (been a while now), but the idea was only often enough to keep moisture from condensing (this was a way to standardize the process so I could let it go a couple weeks.)

Incorporating humidity sensors would be ideal.

Not sure if my description was clear. I could do a diagram if it’s interesting.

What does an ounce cost around the granite state… if you’re in another state, I’m curious about the price too. Is the current state of decriminalization causing prices to go down?

It seems like most black market suppliers in New England have a source in Maine. Maine is a pretty big supplier for the east coast.

Right now zips in Maine go for around 150-250.

Lots of outdoor stuff around right now. That tends to effect the price more than anything else.

Lots of people from NH, VT and MA travel to Maine just to pick up a oz of weed.

If you care about the legal wholesale side

Speaking of dry herb… what is then best vaporizer out there now? The cheaper the better if I may add.

My vote would be for the Mighty, but it isn’t cheap.

My two favorites are the Herbalaire Elite and the Ariser Solo. Both can be used with a glass bubbler or water pipe, given the right attachments. The Herbalaire Elite comes with everything you need but the bubbler/water pipe (14 and 18mm I think.) I also have a Volcano, Arizer Extreme and Storz-bickel Plenty (along with a bunch of garbage), but I don’t really use them. Those last three work well enough, but aren’t my preference. The Extreme is kinda slow heating. The Volcano is great if you like bags and parties (Herbalaire does bags too.) The Plenty is kinda goofy; I didn’t like the way they chose to make it operate.

In my opinion, most important feature is the ability to expose the herb to highly temperature-controlled hot air from the bottom. All the ones I listed do that. I spent a great deal of time buying and testing vaporizers to determine what was best for me, and that was the result.

The cheapest you’ll find from my list is the Arizer Solo. It takes a little getting used to how it operates, but it’s a good buy and properly heats the herb. It’s also highly portable, being battery operated. The battery is rechargeable and replaceable. Have not tried the Air, Air II or Solo II, but they’re basically the same with subtle differences in features.

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This has been such helpful advice!!! Thank you so much!!!

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