Real Anarchist Radio: John Zerzan

Going to listen to this Anarchist and Anti-Tech philosopher.

Yet another primitivist hypocrite who’s more interested in telling others how to live than actually practicing the philosophy he preaches.

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I do have an issue with the lack of evidence that he practices what he preaches.From what I read he lives in a small cabin in rural Oregon. Doesn’t have a car,credit card ,or computer. I’ll give him credit for that.Can’t find much about his practicing of primitive skills. Kaczynski is more admirable in that aspect. Ted was in tune with nature and lived alongside it. Ted was a hunter,forager, and gardener. Zerzan makes many valid points on how devastating technology is to all of our well being. Including that of nature. He is an activist who ,like Kaczynski, realizes what needs to be done to counter the madness that advancing technology is bringing. Sounds like he promotes less violent approaches. Though, he may have played a big role in the 1999 Seattle protests.This is no doubt a man whose thoughts we should ponder. Looks like great topics on his RADIO SHOW as well. Here’s a good read: us.

With that said, when the power goes out, the power to control will follow and fade. This is a good thing. This is what we want. It’s the ONLY way that the controllers will surrender. You will NEVER avoid being controlled alongside advancing technology. You are going to be COMPLETELY controlled if tech survives. I think the lights will go out. But I wouldn’t want to be in Manchester when this happens, Aahz.

Not sure how anyone can trust any anarchist radio host being funded by a state university, but that’s the least of his hypocrisies.

You think he writes publishable books and hosts a radio show without a computer?
I suppose you don’t use a computer yourself to log on here, either?

Why don’t you both read a page from your own books and leave technology behind? Please!

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Zerzan brings up some good points and he uses tech less than 99.9% of americans. So I guess he does kind of practice what he preaches. Leaving tech. behind is something I do frequently. I balance it with bringing up good points. Until tech. shows signs of defeat we will continue to use it to point out to all how much it controls you. Tech. is also being used in its own defeat. I will soon be unplugging completely either way. There’s more pleasure to be found living simply. You should try it.

You first.

Zerzan doesn’t sound like some courtroom jester “activist”, that’s for sure.Found this for those unfamiliar with the guy:
John Zerzan isn’t on a list. John Zerzan is the list. He is perhaps the most preeminent philosopher and author out there who is not only against modern technology, but isn’t a fan of the whole civilization thing you are so into either. If this is not enough to freak out the government watchdogs, he is an anarchist. Oh, and then there was his friendship with the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynkski.

But those aren’t the main reasons Zerzan would be on a government watch list. He would be on one mostly because he makes a lot of sense. He answered some questions for me concerning what he believes about how we are all living our lives, and about his new book Why Hope published by the consistently awesome Feral House.

Just listened to the 5-01-18 show. The guy sounds pretty mellow,yet brings up the most important issues that threaten our well being: Artificial intelligence, geo-engineering, negative impacts of technology and industrialization. Also news from actual acts of resistance around the globe. He also uses a very broad assortment of music within the show that is kind of cool.
Here’s the direct link to John Zerzan Anarchy Radio 5-1-18 show.

you could be living in the woods and still be under the system’s thumb. Any real threat to the government is met by force, incarceration, or murder.

Thanks for the reply.
I think one of the biggest threats to the system is Independent people. I think the growing number of people providing the basics for themselves is key to bringing it all down. Independence will prove to be necessary if the system spirals down in another way. You can’t go wrong with self-sufficiency.
If the Independent people are countered with force, then so be it.
The other option is enslavement.

who is truly independent for their basics?

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Exactly, all life is dependent on something.

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Found a great show to listen to from 5-15-2018 : Off grid homesteader “Rotn” talks with John about the real threats brought on by tech. Talks about EarthFirst! and the negatives brought in by Leftism and linking the collective more towards the common goals of protecting nature. Talks about real Anarchists. Talks about a Netflix movie on Kaczynski and Zerzan’s input. Listen to some of the knee-slappin music by this guy in the show. “Don’t Tread on Me” !! This guy Rotn is a hot shit. Listen Here:
Good song at 53:15 !