Racist old people in nursing homes

I’m no fan of racism—I hate it. However, I’m thinking people have individual rights to have bigoted opinions (and we have individual rights to shame them.)

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[note] If this post is too large please let me know. I tend to quote and cite as much as I can. For some examples, you can see my see of my longer posts on disqus under eggdaddy

Nationally, racial harassment charges by individuals in the workplace reported to the EEOC in 2016 have increased 59 percent since 2006 to 9,656 complaints.

A 59% increase seems more like race baiting, using race to sue due to firings usually not due to race, a little “I’m special so it must be my race!”, and the rest actual racial lawsuits.

John Haskin, an Indianapolis labor attorney, won a case in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals that set precedent in 2010 against nursing home policies that determined employee assignments based on race.

In Chaney v. Plainfield Healthcare Center, a panel of judges ruled that it is unlawful for nursing home residents and their families to request nursing assistants who are not black.

“To allow this policy to exist would be to reinstitute Jim Crow laws,” Haskin told IndyStar.

Multi-blockquote so this isn’t taken out of context. Haskins statement is hyperbole, nothing more, nothing less. Everyone knows that Jim Crow laws will not be reinstituted so he’s using the Appeal to emotion fallacy.

I’m not a racist, I’m an equal opportunity hater. What is being done here is illegal by law but their statements are hyperbole which lends less real weight to their argument. Sadly, this will play into the publics hands as Appel to emotion is a very effective fallacy in cases like this. It’s a 'think of the children" trope.

IMHO the nursing home should have just warned black employees of the racist residents and let them choose to take care of them or hand them off to another employee. I don’t think that they should have told a resident to change their views or tried to curtail it. That is not the job of a nursing home.