
Just a few thoughts here on the recent discussions of racism. First the definition of racism reads as basically the belief that certain groups of people are inferior to other groups based on skin color and genetics.

Now if we take the word race for what it means in more common use we see that a race is people striving to finish before or ahead of others.

Now if we combine the two definitions then we can see the similarities but we can also see that in no way does being in a race against someone have to have skin color factored in. The reason i bring this up is because many groups belonging to the same ethnic groups are in the same type of race to succeed as others who are among different ethnic groups.

So breaking down the human struggle in this does a disservice to understanding the greater implications of the struggle we all share.

Basically we say that group a can hate group b as long as they are ethnically similar and we all accept that same type of hate and in many cases ignore it. However express hate for someone who is ethnically different then you have crossed a line.

We see the race play out in our everyday lives in sports politics and many other subjects. it is exactly the same type of hate yet is not considered race even though different groups are in a race for superiority.

IMO The reason we have come to believe that race can only be between ethnic groups is because we are used to the grouping of people based on familiarity. Meaning that people feel comfortable around others they can find common ground with and the first most obvious commonality is skin color.

You can put two libertarians in a large group of people and it is only a matter of time before they find each other. Just an example.

So i think race is just one group striving to finish before or ahead of another and has little to do with skin color other than our natural declination to be attracted to those we can find common ground with.

Givin time and understanding of another group one can begin to find similarities and become part of a different group and take on a whole new set of reasons to be part of something they once hated.

I think it is likely written into our dna as a survival mechanism.

Point being that the longer we focus on color the more we ignore the real race.

My still-evolving view of racism is as a scale that would look something like this:

  • +7: Maximum Racist Aggression - “One race should dominate the world and exterminate all others.” (The only place I’ve ever really encountered this rhetoric is the “Radical Agenda” chat-room, where I came to preach the Freedom Alliance and voluntary White Nationalist community secession under NAP, but since Cantwell banned me I guess he really does endorse violence…)

  • +6: Total Chattel Slavery - “Some human subspecies are genetically incapable of sufficient mental faculties, being between superior humans and lower animals, and should thus have reduced legal rights / no rights at all, being equivalent of animal property.” (This issue might come up again in the future through genetically engineered parahuman species that really are mentally inferior to humans.)

  • +5: Conditional Enslavement - “Members of a specific race are generally to be treated as property, but there are free exceptions.” (This is the sort of slavery that was practiced during European colonization of the Americas. Slavery has been practiced in all agricultural societies for thousands of years, usually without racial distinction.)

  • +4: Racist Deportation - “The nation should be racially pure, and those who don’t match this standard of purity should be forcefully removed to other nations.” (This was the original policy of the Germany’s National-Socialist Workers’ Party. And arguably Lincoln.)

  • +3: Racist Apartheid - “All races are citizens and have some rights, but there are race-based regulations, and some people have additional rights or restrictions on the basis of race.” (Varying levels of this have been practiced in USA, fading out in the 1960s, and South Africa until the early 1990s.)

  • +2: Restrained Racist Aggression - “All races have equal rights in theory, but in practice there are routine examples of race-based violence, governmental or non-governmental, which the law is unable or unwilling to address.” (This has been a problem, for example in the Southern US, but I believe it has withered down to nearly zero. There are also examples of this with the lingering caste system in India, government hypocrisy in the treatment of Uyghurs in China, Jews in the most antisemitic countries like Iran, etc.)

  • +1: Non-Violent Discrimination - “Everyone has equal rights under the law, but it is common for members of one racial group to discriminate against another as per their Rights to Property and Freedom of Association.” (I think this collectivist discrimination is irrational, and also self-defeating - the marketplace can deal with it through ostracism without any need for government force.)

  • 0: Race Realism - “Everyone is equal under the law, definite racist discrimination is rare, racial violence is very rare and overwhelmingly condemned. There seems to be inequality of outcomes between racial groups in educational achievement, income, influence, etc - but this isn’t anybody’s fault. Everybody should be treated as an individual, and if there are genetic patterns: c’est la vie.” (I consider this to be the rational ideal.)

  • -1: Non-Violent Affirmative Action - “Everyone is equal under the law. Definite racism is almost non-existent, except for very obscure groups and anonymous cowards on the Internet, which receive almost universal condemnation. Most people are concerned about the achievement gap between the ethnic groups, and voluntarily give underachieving groups every advantage.” (Maybe I prefer this instead - to be honest it depends on my mood…)

  • -2: Restrained Affirmative Action - “There is strong social consensus that reasonable and temporary government programs are needed to help historically disadvantaged groups catch up.” (Not too bad. I think most Republicans hold this position.)

  • -3: Affirmative Action Overkill - “Inequality of outcomes is a serious problem, and the government should do more for the historically disadvantaged groups.” (This is the position of “moderates”, including Trump. It begins the popular denial of scientific evidence that the evolution of races in different conditions thousands of generations apart didn’t always have the exact identical effect on the brain.)

  • -4: Affirmative Action Run-Away Train - “Racial underachievement is entirely the fault of the historically advantaged racial groups. We need tons more government programs to redistribute the wealth, educate away racism, enforce racial quota laws, etc.” (This is the position typical of the Democratic Party. This was also practiced in the Soviet Union.)

  • -5: Deranged Affirmative Action - “Racism is everywhere! The historically advantaged people should be judged by the color of their skin, and the judgement is GUILTY! Denounce them! Make them confess their racial guilt! Make them pay reparations until equality of outcome is achieved!” (This represents the most radical Democrats, outright Socialists, and most Greens.)

  • -6: Violent Racist Revenge - “The historically advantaged people are impostors who don’t belong in this nation. Take away their land and drive them out or kill them!” (Many black South Africans are seriously calling for this.)

  • -7: Maximum Racist Revenge - “Evil white devils are the source of all problems in the world and they should be destroyed!” (Seems that such opinions are more common these days than the other extreme, but still pretty fringe.)

kudos for the time spent…

it is all just different means of control over other groups.

The race is such that if you are not first then your last.

People will do anything to win the race once they are introduced to the race.

People yearn for familiarity and acceptance and will indeed wield hate in order to maintain their acceptance into groups and material items that come from such control.

Givin proper land and resources one could take a small group of people of all ethnicity and take full control of all world powers. Even if they had to dehumanize others they share common traits with to succeed.

Racism is nothing more than a control mechanism and it is really just part of the survival instinct.