So, “NH” , thankfully in part because of the broadcasting of the Shire Society and the word getting out naturally has become a place for “likemindeds” to plant roots. This is a beautiful thing. So it gave Keene an excuse to buy a Bearcat and to help create job security in the surveillance field for such upstanding bootlickers like the ones at Estey Associates. Let it be known that we are here !
My question is this : What are some good examples of Anarchist ACTION that has taken place in “NH” in the past few years ? Obviously, this would NOT include any arguments or “victories” with legislative slobs. What are some GOOD examples of Anarchist activity against the state that have taken place in this land ?
Thanks, Samm
There was this one time where some people were supposed to go and fill in some potholes on public roads. But I don’t think they ever got around to it.
We’re kinda in the eduction/recruitment phase of fighting against the State. based in NH is new but we are on the ground solidarity. So far, cleaning streets. We plan to repair them too. based in NH is developing our own mesh network and services to replace ISPs.
Agorism is common, usually not using fiat.
There are a number of private anarchist clubs.
People building their freedom.
Ask the @FTL_Ian - I just donated to a warming shelter, gave them Bcash. Which is possibly the biggest Anarchy movement here and everywhere, decentralized money.
I don’t think Anarchy action is only against the state. Shutting down checkpoints is good, but buying tax free and fiat free is more bang for my buck.
Many ways to undermine the state. A lot of them include simply living a good wholesome life. Independence. They don’t want that. I have another idea that excites me just thinking about it. It’s called CAMPFIRE TIME !
Something that would make us POWERFUL is communicating and gathering more in the simplest of ways. The controllers love that we fill their database every day with info. through the internet. More small groups of us should gather on a regular basis. Better organization through many small groups would be beautiful. We can’t put any good shit together here in bigbrotherland. I will be using this site for 2 big reasons: 1) To help expose the oppression in ways that it can be fought. 2) To find like-mindeds to ultimately chat and collaborate with at the campfire pit.
I think you’re all great. Many of you living a life like I do. Good, simple people who can’t be controlled.
I’d love to chat about a great many things. Most of it won’t be happenin’ here though. To continue the “Iron Web” I can start by saying that I am in the Monadnock area. How 'bout a few more ?
That requires physical proximity. Preferably communal living or more likely a strong social club, benevolent society, etc.
Food is important to the equation.
Any interest ?
Yes, in fact this post motivated me. I’ve been working on the concept of a benevolent individualists society for some time. I currently participate in the local fraternal order of porcupines.
Given the distance I don’t think it would be likely for you and to regularly meet. But maybe ForcFest and PorcFest would be a good place to ensure this happens.
Are you into self sufficiency ? Do you like the mountainous regions with almost nil population ?
(I am talking about in “new england”) Do you garden,hunt, fish ?
I don’t hunt but like the idea. I don’t fish, but once did often. I like all this things except the nil population. I like people, need to socialize. I think community is what the state strived and failed to replace, tho it did displace community.
I like people too, Just not too many. Southern half of “NH” is getting crowded. I know cause I grew up here. Nashua,Manch,Milford, etc and surrounding towns too populated now. Taxes are stupid around here compared to other places I know of. Also,despite the growing freedom movement here, there are still way too many folks that don’t want you to be free here in “NH”. Community is a good idea. I think many small Anarchist ones will work best.
There are obviously still too many of us within the freedom movement pulling in different directions. Unifying to gain a stateless society isn’t as good as it should be. I think we’ll put it together though. If we don’t it’s 1984 for sure. Gotta get off this damn computer-thing for a while now. Way too busy of a guy for this shit other than Feb/March. See you at the "Common Ground Fair " in Unity Maine, Sept 2018 ?
Peace, Samm
A lot of the MOFGA members are too socialist for my liking. They want a government solution for everything.
They are dirt farmers. They don’t think you can grow organic unless you use soil.
The definition is arbitrary of course. Natural Organic vs Hydroponic Organic - a simple explanation, done. I’ve also been told some (many, most) MOFGA members aren’t individualist types.
Natural isn’t a good word to use. If there needs to be a distinction it should be soil organic and soilless organic, if the only difference is the use of soil.
MOFGA has a certification program for cannabis, and they call it “clean” because they can’t say organic. But “clean” cannabis has to be grown in soil, so it probably has fecal matter on it.
Sure, just showing an example of the arbitrary words.