I would like to create an event aimed at fucking things up for the system. Non-violently, I might ad.
As Anarchists I think we should be able to figure out that the mass data collection is one of the big things that is making us predictable and helping the controllers destroy freedom. Google,Facebook, etc…
Removing this predictability is bad for the controllers. We don’t like the controllers,do we ? We need to conduct our own test in unpredictability. “They” are conducting many tests in controlling the masses.
I’m asking for folks to join me in unplugging from all internet activity.
Just for 1 month for starters.
I’ll do the leg work to get others involved. If some of you could do the same, that’d be cool.
Practice some real skills instead.
I’ll announce the start without advance warning. It will be in 2019.
It is only a test…