To explain best how HOMESTEADING and SELF SUFFICIENCY will set the stage for bringing down the system I’ll quote Ted Kaczynski pg.225 Technological Slavery:
" A great revolution IS brewing. What this
means is that the necessary preconditions for revolution are being created.
Whether the revolution will become a reality will depend on the courage,
determination, persistence, and effectiveness of revolutionaries.
The necessary preconditions for revolution(2] are these: There must be
a strong development of values that are inconsistent with the values of the
dominant classes in society, and the realization of the new values must be
impossible without a collapse
of the existing structure of society.
When these conditions are present, there arises an irreconcilable
conflict between the new values and the values that are necessary for the
maintenance of the existing structure. The tension between the two systems
of values grows and can be resolved only through the eventual defeat of
one of the two. If the new system of values is vigorous enough, it will prove
victorious and the existing structure of society will be destroyed. "
AND: " Because technology is the central structure of modern society-the
structure on which everything else depends-the strong development of
values totally inconsistent with the needs of the technological system would
fulfill the preconditions for revolution. This kind of development is taking
place right now."
Ted’s right again. And optimistic too. You can see leaps of INDEPENDENCE to the system being made more clearly now. Folks are getting back to taking pride in providing for themselves. Homesteading is becoming a breath of fresh air on a mass scale now. Although mostly visible in rural areas, there’s a desire to go this route & small steps being made in suburbia. It gives me hope to see many more folks in the countryside taking steps (some taking BIG steps) towards self sufficiency. This,my friends is going against the grain and beautiful to see and be a part of. Nature & Independence is the OPPOSITE of Technological Slavery. Taking extra steps to bring the system down is also greatly satisfying. Good Luck to you all !
Sincerely, Samm