Prank calling government offices

Brookhaven town

Hi my son is doing a paper for school on corruption in government and since the town officials are constantly in the newspaper for all kinds of crimes I was wondering if you can help me with my sons homework.


Hi , I am doing a paper for school on job satisfaction and mental health. I was wondering if I could ask you what the effect is having a DMV job were all you get to contribute to the world is a hassle for everyday people to help the system extract money to line the pockets of corrupt politicians and their friends who don’t give one crap about you.

Some of the prank calls on YouTube have millions of views, the trick of course is not to laugh and to try and sound like you are just a dummy honestly asking these questions.

More people need to do this. Harass the parasitic bureaucrats until they quit their jobs.

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I don’t agree with that Maxine Waters politics but I do agree with here tactics.

“should expect harassment at restaurants, gas stations, shopping places, and even their homes until they change” -Maxine Waters.

Harrasment might be over the top but to be polite !?

I have seen it enough times, a “customer” in a government office turned away or subjected to some hassle and when its all over they politely say thank you when the transaction is over.

I always say thanks for the hassle hope your holiday sucks or something like that.

They would quit so fast if the public just pushed back a tiny bit.

DMV - Prank Call

I could do better then this .

C’mon,those poor gov’t offices have it bad enough these days.
Found This: (I hadn’t heard about it)
Atlanta’s municipal government has been brought to its knees since Thursday morning by a ransomware attack — one of the most sustained and consequential cyberattacks ever mounted against a major American city.

Its possible they just used that as an excuse to shut down wile they installed some more Orwellian crap to screw us over.