Politics & MoneY (Introduction)

Hi all and FreeKeene (and administers)! My name is:

1.) Phillip Gillon, i'm orginally from New York;
2.) I am here, to produce the means to control, consolidate power (of public officals) and help people underSTAND, how to enforce their laws;
3.) and I found the Shire Society Forum, indirectly through FreeKeenes YouTube, video sites.

I wanted to join and help in problems we have with public officals (daily). Here is my YouTubes and Blog, for my studies are CLOSE and the net, is WIDE! http://www.youtube.com/user/grench11?feature=results_main and http://polticsandmoney.blogspot.com/

I hope, this introduction, has come as a surprise yet, helpful to the Shire Society Forum!

Politics & MoneY