Our lead developer is in jail

We were just days away from open sourcing cell 411 when the FBI raided our homes in March. @Nobody , our lead dev is still behind bars. Now that I am out, I have assisted another helpful dev in getting access to our dev box in hopes of getting the project back on track.

We’re down but not out!

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Too bad the old BBS was shut down too… Can it be put back up? This is not nearly as good…

Please stay on topic. You already posted about this elsewhere and it has nothing to do with our friend in jail, thank you.


Any updates? His last hearing concluded on an up note, but some weeks have since passed.

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last i heard he was getting out yesterday or monday at boscawen

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Ok, great to hear!

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This an opensource app or closed sourced?

According to Nobody prior to the raid, we were just a couple weeks out from open sourcing it. That is why the Shire Free Church acquired the app - it was our goal to open it up. Are you able to program and could help us with this task?

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Nobody can.

Depends on back end language and how it is setup. My background is more cloudEng/devops and working with data in the cloud. But definitionally would be interested in helping out.

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Nobody can do this. It’s impossible.

@srosorcxisto might be able to help you get into the Telegram. I am not allowed to use Telegram due to bail conditions.

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