It seems overt persecution is largely done through local collaborators, enforcers, and informants sent to collect information, insert and spread FUD, and otherwise disrupt the flow of information from SSV Ministers to the potential converts while subtly persecuting us through methods outlined in the late Sharon Clark’s books “Dystopia by Stealth” available at
The incarceration and theft of assets is also a problem as seen with the Shire Free Church being looted and marginalized as a “business” while Aria and Ian are imprisoned.
I “sold” bitcoin at a loss the past few weeks and months to pay for my travel expenses.
One propaganda point was that Ian and Aria “charged high rates” compared to uncited other traders.
By giving BTC away to friends and people of shared faith at lower rates than the large exchanges, we can use that as a moral leverage point of giving back to our community.
Similarly, after natural disasters, capitalists have occasionally been villified for delivering goods for higher prices. Certainly the US dollar denominated price inflation the past 10 years has been a natural disaster. Providing the goods to survive through this (bitcoin) at below market rates to other believers can’t be successfully attacked as “price gouging”.
Vires In Numeris