Hello everyone! I’m Brian, and I live in Dover. I’m the Vice Chair of LPSeacoast and the Communications Director of the NH House Libertarian Caucus. I’m also on too many committees to count, including LPNH’s Membership Committee.
I’m here to grow the party, and find motivated people to help make the party grow as well so we can grow the LP Caucus in Concord and have a greater influence on what legislation is passed.
I have set a personal goal to have all regional affiliates created throughout New Hampshire by the end of the year. LPSouthern organized this week and is preparing to request affiliation. LPWest is building as is LPLakes. We are still looking for someone to take the reins and organize LPNorth Country.
The goal is to grow the affiliates locally and eventually split into County affiliates once they become large enough.
I’m also a student at SNHU, avoiding an assignment as we speak to fill this out.